- About the VIC Government
- The Premier and ministers
- Departments and agencies
- Department of Premier and Cabinet
- DPC ministers
- DPC board members
- DPC portfolios, entities and agencies
- Work at DPC
- DPC structure and organisational chart
- DPC Corporate Plan 2021-25
- Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel
- State events and awards
- Reports and disclosures
- Department of Education
- People and structure
- Jobs and working with us
- Governance and reporting
- Working with us
- Contact us
- About the department
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
- Department of Government Services
- Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
- Department of Health
- Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
- Department of Justice and Community Safety
- Department of Transport and Planning
- About
- Careers
- Chief Investigator Transport Safety
- Child safety and wellbeing
- Data And Research
- Fees Fines And Charges
- Governance
- Inclusion And Diversity
- Our Annual Report 2021 2022
- Our Strategic Plan 2024-2028
- Transport and Planning Procurement
- Safety Regulators
- Statutory Planning
- Accessibility at Department of Transport and Planning
- Contact the Department of Transport and Planning
- Privacy - Department of Transport and Planning
- Privacy policy - Department of Transport and Planning
- Website terms and conditions - Department of Transport and Planning
- Department of Treasury and Finance
- Department of Premier and Cabinet
- Standards and guidelines
- Advertising and government communications
- Vic Gov communication requirements
- Ensuring we reach all Victorians
- Accessibility guidelines for government communications
- Sponsorship policy and guidelines
- Authorisation tags for government advertising
- Advertising plans and spend
- Master Agency Media Services (MAMS) contract
- Print management and associated services contract
- Brand Victoria guidelines and logos
- Digital guides
- Make content accessible
- Producing multilingual content
- Design and develop a digital presence
- Make your project open source
- Research user experience (UX)
- Create and manage email newsletters
- Decide if you need a mobile app
- Measure how content performs
- Understand the API design principles
- Create a content strategy and manage content
- Apply Brand Victoria
- Protect privacy
- Apply for a domain name
- Manage online records
- Test a product or service
- Use social media
- Manage ministerial content
- Design forms
- Manage content for a caretaker or new government
- Add a financial transaction
- Publish an open data set
- Set up a public consultation
- Digital strategy and transformation
- Digital Strategy 2021-2026
- Cyber security
- IT dashboard
- Policies and standards
- Automated briefing and correspondence policies, standards and guidelines
- Data policies and standards
- Digital workplace strategy
- Guiding principles for shared services
- Identity and access management policies and standards
- Information management policies and standards
- IT project management policy and guides
- IT project and expenditure reporting standard and guidelines
- Technology policies and standards
- Digital capability uplift
- Statements of direction
- About us
- Guidelines for working in government
- Advertising and government communications
- Strategies and policies
- Inquiries and royal commissions
- Grants and programs
- Jobs and careers
- Arts, culture and heritage
- Business and the workplace
- Portable Long Service Authority
- What is portable long service leave?
- How the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme works
- Worker information
- Worker coverage criteria
- Worker registration
- Accessing the worker portal
- Understanding your annual statement
- Report an employer
- About the Portable Long Service Authority
- Register your business
- Employer obligations
- Compliance and enforcement
- Wage Inspectorate Victoria
- Liquor licensing, sale and supply
- Portable Long Service Authority
- Communities
- Education and training
- Early Learning Victoria
- Early childhood education – information for professionals
- Education – information for parents
- Kindergarten sector guide
- Child care
- School
- Starting school
- Attending school
- Supporting your child's education
- How to build your child's literacy skills from birth to Grade 2
- How to build your child's numeracy skills from birth to Grade 2
- How to build your child's literacy skills from years 3 to 6
- How to build your child’s numeracy skills years 3 to 6
- Literacy and numeracy tips in your language
- Find a language program
- Encouraging science, technology, engineering and maths skills
- Ways to get involved with your child's school
- Speak to your child in the language you know best
- Costs, fees and funding
- Home schooling
- Leaving school
- Find your school
- School policy and guidance
- Disability and inclusive education
- Disability rights and adjustments in school
- Starting, attending and leaving school with disability
- Starting school for children with additional needs
- Moving to secondary school for students with additional needs
- Getting to and from school for students with disability
- Travel training for students commuting to specialist school
- Leaving school and career planning - students with disability
- Understanding communication needs and getting support
- Speech, language and communication assessment
- Disability support at school
- Support for students with high care needs
- Extra learning support for students with additional needs
- Extra support from specialist staff in schools
- Working with education providers if your child has additional needs
- Student support groups for children with additional needs
- How you can support your child with additional needs at home
- Programs for students with disability
- Physical disability at school
- Understanding physical disability and health care needs for education
- Hearing assessments
- Support in early childhood for hearing loss
- Support at school for hearing loss
- Understanding hearing loss
- Understanding vision impairment
- Getting assessed for vision impairment
- Support at school for students with vision impairment
- Learning difficulties
- Intellectual disability at school
- Issues and complaints
- Behavioural issues
- Incidents
- Independent Office for School Dispute Resolution
- Report abuse if you’re a current or former student
- Provide feedback about government schools or school staff
- Raise a complaint or concern about your school
- Privacy consent notice
- Report racism or religious discrimination in schools
- Services for parents and carers
- Schools.Vic - information for schools
- Education grants, programs, awards and events
- School events
- Victorian State Schools Spectacular
- Victorian Maths Challenge
- Children's Week
- Championing Victorian industry within schools
- World Teachers' Day
- Premiers' Reading Challenge
- Including all students in the Challenge
- Challenge dates
- Challenge rules
- Book lists
- How to register or login
- How to use the application
- Guidance for students and parents
- Guidance for home-based readers
- Guidance for early childhood services and parents
- Administration information for all school coordinators
- Government school coordinators: setting up the Challenge
- Catholic school coordinators: setting up the Challenge
- Independent school coordinators: setting up the Challenge
- Independent school administrators: setting up the Challenge
- Top tips from the coordinators
- How to send student logins via email in bulk
- Meet our author
- Meet our illustrator
- Promotion resources
- Education Week
- The Trades Fit: Young Women in Trades and Tech
- School and kinder grants and programs
- Bush Kinder Grants Program
- Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund
- Children's Week grant
- How to be included on the Schools Mental Health menu
- Kindergarten Central Registration and Enrolment
- Local Learning and Employment Networks
- Pre-service teacher Placement Grant Program
- Safe@work
- School to Work
- Secondary schools agriculture fund
- State school relief
- Toy Library Grants Program
- Victorian African Communities Action Plan
- Awards
- Programs and campaigns
- Teach the Future
- Study teaching as an undergraduate
- Study school teaching as a postgraduate student
- Paid, employment-based teaching degrees
- What teaching’s like as a career?
- Universities and TAFEs that offer teaching courses
- Rural, regional and specialist school pre-service teacher placements
- Information and supports for graduate teachers
- Targeted initiative to attract more teachers
- Moving to Victoria to teach
- Professional learning and development resources
- Stay updated on the latest news about teaching in Victoria
- Your world. Your VCE.
- 150 years of public education
- Look before you lock
- Public School. Our School.
- Head start
- Our place
- Bully Stoppers
- Rural and regional funding
- Tech schools
- Education State
- Program directory
- Career start: transforming the first years of the teaching career
- Victorian Anti Bullying Initiative
- School Breakfast Clubs program
- Tutor Learning Initiative
- Swimming in schools
- STEM education in Victoria
- School Readiness Funding: helping children get the most out of kindergarten
- Safe Schools
- High Intensity Outside School Hours Care Initiative for students with disabilities
- Respectful Relationships
- Best Start
- Board certified behaviour analyst pilot project
- Transforming career education
- Free sanitary pads and tampons in all government schools
- Year 9 NAPLAN certificates of achievement
- Doctors in secondary schools initiative
- Active schools program
- Trade Training Centres in Schools
- Education Plans
- Glasses for kids
- LOOKOUT Education Support Centres
- Marrung
- Student Excellence Program
- Senior secondary schooling pathway reforms
- Early childhood language program
- Inclusive education for students with disabilities
- Teach the Future
- Diverse Learners Hub
- School events
- TAFE Victoria
- Apprenticeships Victoria
- Learn Local
- Victorian Skills Authority
- About us
- News
- 2024 Student Satisfaction Survey now underway
- 2024 Learn Local Awards nominations open
- International VET Practitioner Fellowship applications open
- Young Person's Roundtable
- VET workforce lab
- 2023 Victorian Training Awards winners announcement
- 2024 Victorian Training Awards nominations
- 2024 Victorian Training Awards nominations open
- Celebrating our community leaders in education
- Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy 2023 to 2033
- Employment Forecast Dashboard launch
- Faces of VET – TJ van der Meulen profile
- Learn Local Awards 2023 finalists announced
- Shining stars of vocational training nominated for awards
- Skills Solutions Partnerships
- State of the Victorian Labour Market Report launch
- TAFE Gippsland celebrated in Victorian Training Awards
- Top honours for Victoria at Australian Training Awards
- Victorian Skills Plan boosting training for more Victorians
- Victorian Skills Plan helps plan for jobs and skills in the regions
- Victorian Training Awards 2023 winners announced
- International VET Practitioner Fellowships
- Victorian Skills Authority Integrity Framework
- Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy 2023 to 2033
- Victorian Skills Plan
- VSA Strategic Plan 2022-2025
- Contact us
- Skills and Jobs Centres
- Victorian Training Awards
- 2021 Victorian Training Award winners
- 2024 Victorian Training Awards nomination guide
- Faces of vocational education
- 2023 Victorian Training Awards finalists
- 2023 Victorian Training Awards winners
- 2021 Victorian Training Awards gala
- 2022 Victorian Training Awards finalists
- 2022 Victorian Training Awards winners
- Lynne Kosky Memorial Award
- Victorian Training Awards sponsors
- Where are they now?
- Australian Training Awards
- Previous Victorian Training Award winners
- Victorian employer skills survey
- Satisfaction surveys
- Victorian Skills Gateway
- Connecting industry with skills
- Discover training, courses and careers
- TAFE, training and universities sector
- Child Safe Standards
- Minimum regulations
- Schools and school boarding premises
- Culturally safe environments
- Child safety and wellbeing
- Child and student empowerment
- Family engagement
- Diversity and equity
- Suitable staff and volunteers
- Complaints processes
- Child safety knowledge, skills and awareness
- Child safety in physical and online environments
- Review of child safety practices
- Implementation of child safety practices
- Schools and school boarding premises
- Non-school providers
- Culturally safe environments
- Child safety and wellbeing
- Child and student empowerment
- Family engagement
- Diversity and equity
- Suitable staff and volunteers
- Complaints processes
- Child safety knowledge, skills and awareness
- Child safety in physical and online environments
- Implementation of child safety practices
- Documentation of child safety practices
- Registered training organisations
- Culturally safe environments
- Child safety and wellbeing
- Child and student empowerment
- Family engagement
- Diversity and equity
- Suitable staff and volunteers
- Complaints processes
- Child safety knowledge, skills and awareness
- Child safety in physical and online environments
- Implementation of child safety practices
- Documentation of child safety practices
- International education providers
- Culturally safe environments
- Child safety and wellbeing
- Child and student empowerment
- Family engagement
- Diversity and equity
- Suitable staff and volunteers
- Complaints processes
- Child safety knowledge, skills and awareness
- Child safety in physical and online environments
- Implementation of child safety practices
- Documentation of child safety practices
- Minimum regulations
- Emergencies and natural disasters
- Environment, water and energy
- Building Victoria's circular economy
- Recycling Victoria home
- Finance and economy
- Economic Growth Statement
- Victoria: A state of ideas, innovation and ambition
- Rising to the challenge
- Every industry, every community in our state
- Priority sectors
- Regional Victoria will drive future growth
- A new industry policy
- Action one: Open doors
- Action two: Cut red tape
- Action three: Build new skills
- Action four: Reach every community
- Premier’s Business Council
- Economic Growth Statement
- Health and social support
- Housing and property
- Housing Registrar
- Community housing regulation
- Community housing sector performance
- Financial performance
- Sector KPM results
- Registered agency performance
- Aboriginal Community Housing (VIC) Ltd (ACHVL)
- Aboriginal Housing Victoria Limited
- Baptcare Affordable Housing Ltd
- BeyondHousing
- BlueCHPV Limited
- Building Communities (Vic) Limited
- Building Even Better Communities Limited
- CatholicCare Victoria Housing Limited
- Common Equity Housing Limited
- Community Housing (Vic) Ltd
- EACH Housing Ltd
- Eastcoast Housing
- Evolve Housing Vic Ltd
- Haven Home Safe
- Home in Place
- Housing Choices Australia Limited (HCAL)
- HousingFirst Limited
- Inner East Social Housing Group Limited
- Launch Housing Ltd
- Magpie Nest Ltd (MNL)
- Mallee Accommodation & Support Program Ltd (MASP)
- McCormack Housing Ltd (McH)
- MCM Housing Limited (MCMH)
- Meli Housing
- Mission Australia Housing (Victoria) (MAHV)
- National Affordable Housing Consortium - Victoria (NAHCV)
- Northern Geelong Rental Housing Co-Operative Ltd (NGRHC)
- Rumbalara Housing Ltd (RHL)
- Salvation Army Housing (Victoria) (SAHV)
- Servants Community Housing Limited
- SHP x HCA HA Ltd
- South Port Community Housing Group Inc (SPCHG)
- SouthEast Housing Cooperative Ltd (SEHC)
- St Kilda Community Housing Ltd (SKCH)
- The Haven Foundation Ltd (THF)
- Unison Housing Limited
- United Housing Co-operative Ltd (UHC)
- Veteran Housing Australia Pty Ltd (VHA)
- VincentCare Community Housing (VCCH)
- WAYSS Limited
- West Turk Housing and Elderly Services Co-operative Ltd
- Williamstown Rental Housing Co-operative Ltd (WRHC)
- Wintringham Housing Ltd (WH)
- Women's Housing Ltd (WHL)
- Women's Property Initiatives Ltd (WPI)
- YWCA National Housing
- Applying for registration
- Contact the Housing Registrar
- Know Your Council
- Housing Registrar
- Law and justice
- Safety and emergencies
- Science and technology
- Sport and recreation
- Traffic and transport
- Cameras Save Lives
- Transport Planning
- Getting Around
- Transport Fines
- Authorised Officers
- Application for review of public transport fines
- Clearway Fines
- Requesting an internal review for a clearway fine
- Contact us about fines
- Public Transport Fines
- Nominate Another Driver For A Public Transport Parking Fine
- Requesting an internal review for public transport fines
- Request To Have The Matter Heard In Court
- Walking and Cycling
- Transport Future
- Climate Change
- Future Directions For Transport
- Transport projects
- Transport accessibility
- High Capacity Metro Trains
- Melbourne Tram Refranchising
- New And Upgraded Trains And Trams
- Building Our Rolling Stock Industry
- Maidstone tram maintenance and stabling facility
- Community Consultation Report - April 2023
- Designs for Maidstone’s new tram facility released - Community update – April 2023
- Managing Noise fact sheet - April 2023
- Williamson Road temporary lane closure
- Trees and Vegetation fact sheet - March 2023
- New Train And Tram Orders
- Next Generation Trams
- Maidstone tram maintenance and stabling facility - Construction update - September 2023
- Construction vehicles in your area
- Hampstead Road temporary lane closure (August 2023)
- Maidstone community update August 2023
- Victorian Rolling Stock Strategy
- Xtrapolis 20
- Port Rail Shuttle
- Priority Precincts And National Employment And Innovation Clusters
- Regional Victoria
- Suburban Rail Loop
- Upgrading Melbournes Tram Network
- Western Rail Plan
- Ports and Freight
- About Victorias Local Ports
- Clean Air For The Inner West
- Information Bulletin - Clean air for the inner west
- Commercial Ports
- Freight Victoria
- Key Freight Projects
- Bridge Strengthening For Freight
- Extractive Industries In South Gippsland Supply Chain Study
- Heavy Vehicle Training Program
- High Productivity Freight Vehicles
- Intermodal Terminals And Locations
- Murray Basin Rail Project
- North East Link
- Freight projects - Port rail shuttle
- Shepparton Rail Freight Planning Study
- Victorian Port And Coastal Shipping Industry Reform
- Victorias New Intermodal Freight Precincts
- Port Development Strategies
- Ports Safety And Environment Management Plans
- Rail Freight Network
- Victorian Commercial Ports Strategy
- Freight Transport Decarbonisation
- Working in the Victorian Government