For school students
If you're a student in Prep to Year 10 you need to:
- Register as a Challenger on the Challenge application.
- Read a certain number of books during the Challenge, as shown below. Students in Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 can read books by themselves or with someone else.
- Get a Challenge coordinator at your school to verify that you've read the books you've registered online.
- Make sure all your information is completed online by the date set by your school or by the first Friday in September if you're a home-based reader.
Number of books you need to read
Prep to Year 2
- Number of books: 30
- Number of books from the Challenge book list: 20 or more
Year 3 to Year 9
- Number of books: 15
- Number of books from the Challenge book list: 10 or more
Year 10
- Number of books: 15
- Number of books from the Challenge book list: 5 or more
What you can read
Most of the books you read should be from the Challenge book lists. The rest can be any book you choose.
You can read books on the book list for your year level or a level above and they'll count towards your Challenge total. You should check with your teachers or parents if you're not in years 9 or 10 and want to read a book from that list. This list includes titles for mature readers.
You can read a book from a level below your year level if your teacher agrees. You still need to read the number of books for your year level to meet the Challenge.
You can also count the books you read for the MS Readathon in the Challenge.
For children below school age
The guidelines are:
- Each child must be registered as a Challenger online and their parent or guardian must keep a record of their reading.
- The child must be a young child who is not yet attending a school or is not of school age.
- Between the first Monday in March and the first Friday in September each child must read or have read with them 40 books. There are lots of suggestions for books on the Challenge book list.
- Children can read books by themselves or with someone else. For example, a parent or guardian, carer, brother or sister, buddy or friend. This support is important if the child is just learning to read.
- The child’s parent, guardian or the Challenge coordinator at the early childhood service must verify the child has read the correct number of books.
- An email will be sent one month before the Challenge finishes to remind the parent/early childhood service to confirm children's names for certificates.
- All information must be completed online before the closing date.
Early childhood services can set their own timelines within the Challenge key dates. Check with your service about this.
Supported by all living premiers, past and present, children who complete the Challenge receive a certificate bearing the signatures of the current Premier and living former premiers