- Status:
- Closed
- Who can apply:
- Government, businesses, not-for-profit groups
- Funding:
- $6,000
The Victorian Government is investing $3.6 million over 4 years to enable bush kinder programs in 150 kindergartens each year. These $6,000 grants will support more kindergartens to set up nature programs, giving children more opportunity to get outdoors.
The Bush Kinder Grants Program will support successful kindergarten services to do one of the following:
- establish a new or enhance an existing off-site bush kinder program held regularly in a local outdoor natural space, or
- establish a new or enhance an existing on-site bush kinder program by improving the above-ground outdoor biodiversity of the existing kindergarten premises, if suitable off-site locations are unavailable.
The Bush Kinder Grants Program applications are closed. Further rounds will be offered in 2025 and 2026.
Key dates
Assessment of applications
September/October 2024
Advise applicants of the outcome of their grant application
November 2024
Payments made to successful applicants
December 2024
Bush kinder programs in operation at successful kindergarten services
No later than Term 2, 2025
Acquittals due
Bush kinder is an early learning educational program that is delivered outdoors through natural environments. The natural spaces suited to bush kinder programs include places such as metropolitan parks, regional parks, local bushland, local beaches, and visitor sites within national and state parks. Bush kinder programs give children a unique opportunity and freedom to learn through play with natural materials in outdoor environments.
By increasing the amount of time children spend outdoors and in natural environments, bush kinder programs can help to:
- improve children’s wellbeing, physical development, fine and gross motor skills, core strength, co-ordination, balance, eyesight and physical endurance
- encourage children to build deeper understandings of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM)
- support children to make decisions and judgements that challenge and safely explore established boundaries
- improve children’s connections to nature, which can encourage their knowledge and commitment to environmental sustainability into adulthood.
The Bush Kinder Grants Program aims to:
- reduce existing barriers for kindergarten services to implement bush kinder programs
- increase the number of children engaged in outdoor learning and nature play, and
- enhance children’s physical health, wellbeing and learning outcomes in line with the VEYLDF).
The Bush Kinder Grants Program will open for applications from eligible kindergarten services each year for four years. Up to 150 one-off $6,000 grants will be provided to kindergarten services each year.
The Bush Kinder Grants Program will support successful kindergarten services to do one of the following:
- establish a new or enhance an existing off-site bush kinder program held regularly in a local outdoor natural space, or
- establish a new or enhance an existing on-site bush kinder program by improving the above-ground outdoor biodiversity of the existing kindergarten premises, if suitable off-site locations are unavailable.
Grant applications must be exclusively for either off-site or on-site programs, with off-site programs given priority. Services cannot apply to split the grant funding between off-site and on-site programs.
Kindergarten services awarded grant funding in 2023 or 2024 are not eligible to apply for further grant funding in future years. Services that are unsuccessful in 2023 or 2024 may apply in future years.
Off-site bush kinder programs
Kindergarten services need to decide the most suitable bush kinder site that reflects the philosophy and overall learning goals of their kindergarten educational program and their community needs based on their local circumstances.
The outdoor natural spaces suited to bush kinder programs include places such as metropolitan parks, regional parks, local bushland, local beaches and visitor sites within national and state parks. The needs of children with a disability or developmental delay should form part of kindergarten services’ off-site bush kinder program planning.
Applications for off-site bush kinder programs must confirm that the off-site location was selected with appropriate kindergarten community engagement and engagement with the relevant authorities for site use (i.e. Parks Victoria, local council, Traditional Owners, other land owners must be consulted/engaged/give approval where necessary).
Kindergarten services must also ensure they meet the regulatory requirements related to delivering an off-site bush kinder program, including the risk assessments for all excursions and regular outings under the Education and Care Services National Regulations (regulation 100 and 101). For further information see the ACECQA Information Sheet: The Legislative Requirements of an In-Nature Program.
On-site bush kinder programs
If an appropriate natural environment external to the licenced premises cannot be accessed, the Bush Kinder Grants Program will support kindergarten services to fund outdoor above-ground natural learning experiences. In these circumstances, grant funding can be used to improve the biodiversity of the existing kindergarten service’s outdoor premises to provide a more stimulating natural environment for children. For example, kindergarten services could add a raised garden bed or above-ground planter box to increase the overall plant variety and biodiversity at their service. Kindergarten services could establish an above-ground vegetable garden or bush tucker garden to support their intention of learning against one or more of the VEYLDF Outcomes.
Kindergarten services should think about how their educational program will engage children in hands-on learning through planting, growing, maintaining, and harvesting plants. The needs of children with a disability or developmental delay should form part of kindergarten services’ on-site bush kinder program planning (e.g., sensory gardens, accessibility).
Applications for on-site bush kinder programs must only be submitted in cases where off-site options have been considered and are not viable in the kindergarten service’s specific circumstances. Kindergarten services must attest to this in their application.
An off-site program may be considered unviable based on there being, for example:
- no suitable/available off-site location within reasonable distance of the service
- accessibility issues that cannot be overcome for identified off-site locations.
On-site improvements will not be considered in conjunction with off-site programs, as the grants are exclusive to off-site or on-site, not both. Off-site programs will be given priority for grant funding in the event the grants program is oversubscribed.
Your organisation can apply to the Bush Kinder Grants Program if your kindergarten service:
- is currently funded to deliver a kindergarten program in Victoria
- has a current National Quality Standard (NQS) rating of Working Towards NQS, Meeting NQS, Exceeding NQS or Excellent
- has undertaken (or made significant progress towards) necessary administrative and curriculum planning and stakeholder engagement to embed a bush kinder program into the existing curriculum, in line with the VEYLDF, commencing no later than Term 2, 2024, OR already operates a bush kinder program in line with the VEYLDF
- has endorsement from the approved provider, nominated supervisor and kindergarten teaching team to commence or continue a bush kinder program, and
- meets their obligations of the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations with no significant compliance issues or incidents outstanding with the Department of Education.
- has not been a previous recipient of the Bush Kinder Grants Program.
Funding must be expended on equipment/items and/or services/time-release that support the establishment or enhancement of bush kinder programs regularly held off-site or on-site for three and/or four-year-old children.
Examples of equipment/items and services/time-release that can and cannot be purchased/claimed using grant funding are available in the following sections on this page:
- Off-site programs: examples of what funding can and cannot be used for
- On-site programs: examples of what funding can and cannot be used' for sections of these guidelines
Grant recipients will be required to spend the one-off grant funding from December 2024 to December 2025. No costs incurred prior to December 2024 or after December 2025 can be covered by the grant funding.
A minimum of 75% of the $6,000 grant funding (at least $4,500) must be used to purchase equipment/items for use in the bush kinder program. Kindergarten services must take care to purchase child-safe and age-appropriate equipment for their bush kinder programs.
A maximum of 25% of the $6,000 grant funding (no more than $1,500) can be used for services and/or time-release including professional learning and backfill for teaching staff.
Ongoing operational costs associated with the bush kinder program are the responsibility of the kindergarten service and the grant funding must not be used for ongoing costs related to the program.
When applying to the Grants Program, kindergarten services will be asked to specify an estimated dollar spend against each category from which they wish to purchase equipment/items and/or services/time-release using Grants Program funding. There is no requirement to list the exact items the kindergarten service intends to buy within each category.
Funding acquittal
As a condition of funding, successful applicants must complete an acquittal.
Kindergarten services that successfully obtain grant funding in 2024 will be contacted by the department in the second half of 2025 with information about acquittal process and timing. The acquittal process is planned to conclude no later than December 2025.
Successful kindergarten services are advised to keep records of how the grant funding was expended, including receipts for purchases made using grant funding.
As part of the acquittal, kindergarten services will be required to report on how the grant funding has supported the establishment or enhancement of a bush kinder program for their kindergarten services in line with the VEYLDF and NQS.
The following information provides examples of equipment/items and services/time-release that constitute eligible and ineligible Grants Program funding expenditure.
The examples are listed according to a selection of categories represented in bold typeface, and these are the categories that are used in the application form.
When applying to the Grants Program, kindergarten services will be asked to specify an estimated dollar spend against each category from which they wish to purchase equipment/items and/or services/time-release using Grants Program funding. There is no requirement to list the exact items the kindergarten service intends to buy within each category.
Examples of what funding can be used for
Kindergarten services must take care to purchase child-safe and age-appropriate equipment for their bush kinder programs.
Equipment/items (minimum 75% of grant expenditure)
- Outdoor weather-proof clothing and footwear (for children and staff) – gumboots, raincoats, rain pants, hats, gloves, waterproof bags
- Safety equipment – first aid kits, EpiPens, allergy buddy, high-visibility vests, walkie talkies, insect nets, GPS devices
- General equipment – tarps, mats, trolleys, water containers, portable shelter/shade, portable toilet, boundary markers, witches hats
- Tools – compasses, magnifying glasses, binoculars, utensils
- Storage – outdoor sheds or indoor cabinets for the sole use of storage of bush kinder program clothing and equipment
Services/time-release (maximum of 25% grant spending)
- Professional learning – as relevant to developing and/or delivering the bush kinder program
- Engagement of specialists/consultants – e.g. Traditional Owners, bush kinder specialists
- Administrative costs – backfill for teaching staff (only), for:
- programming time to plan bush kinder curriculum content
- engagement with relevant stakeholders (e.g. Parks Victoria, local council, Traditional Owners, other land owners) to secure off-site location as part of initial program set-up or enhancement
Examples of what funding cannot be used for
- Reimbursement for items purchased prior to grant funding being awarded
- Transport expenses of any kind
- Ongoing operational costs – e.g. salaries, utility bills, lease costs, maintenance/repair works, insurance, ongoing gardening/landscaping services, rentals, administration fees, permits, marketing, licensing
- Toys/play equipment – tree swings, climbing structures, balance beams, slack lines, sandpits
- Information technology equipment/software – laptops, iPads, iPhone, cameras (noting that funding is available for some IT as part of the Building Blocks Improvement grants
- Licences for off-site outdoor space(s)
The following information provides examples of equipment/items and services/time-release that constitute eligible and ineligible Grants Program funding expenditure.
The examples are listed according to a selection of categories represented in bold typeface, and these are the categories that are used in the application form.
When applying to the Grants Program, kindergarten services will be asked to specify an estimated dollar spend against each category from which they wish to purchase equipment/items and/or services/time-release using Grants Program funding. There is no requirement to list the exact items the kindergarten service intends to buy within each category.
Kindergarten services are advised that any on-site improvements to the outdoor learning environment are to be surface level (above-ground) only, such as installing plants in planter boxes.
As per the Building Blocks Grants guidelines, a Soil Hygienist Report is required for any project that disturbs the soil. Accordingly, on-site improvements to kindergarten services where soil is disturbed, and IT purchases, are out of scope for the Bush Kinder Grants Program.
Examples of what funding can be used for
Kindergarten services must take care to purchase child-safe and age-appropriate equipment for their bush kinder programs.
Equipment/items (minimum 75% of grant expenditure)
- Outdoor weather-proof clothing and footwear (for children and staff) – gumboots, raincoats, rain pants, hats, gloves
- Safety equipment – first aid kits, EpiPens, allergy buddy
- General equipment – tarps, mats, trolleys, water containers, portable shelter/shade
- Tools – compasses, magnifying glasses, binoculars, utensils
- Storage – outdoor sheds or indoor cabinets for the sole use of storage of bush kinder program clothing and equipment
- Plants and gardening materials – plants and seeds, above-ground planter boxes/raised garden bed, shovels/spades, buckets, rakes, watering equipment, secateurs
Services/time-release (maximum of 25% grant spending)
- Professional learning – as relevant to developing and/or delivering the bush kinder program
- Administrative costs – backfill for teaching staff (only), for:
- programming time to plan bush kinder curriculum content
Examples of what funding cannot be used for
- Reimbursement for items purchased prior to grant funding being awarded
- Transport expenses of any kind
- Ongoing operational costs – staff salaries, utility bills, lease costs, maintenance/repair works, insurance, ongoing gardening/landscaping services, rentals, administration fees, permits, marketing, licensing
- Toys/play equipment – tree swings, climbing structures, balance beams, slack lines, sandpits
- Information technology equipment/software – laptops, iPads, iPhone, cameras (noting that funding is available for some IT as part of the Building Blocks Improvement grants
Application process and support
Before applying, kindergarten services are encouraged to read and understand these Bush Kinder Grants Program Guidelines in full.
Kindergarten services are advised to submit their application in 2024 only if they are certain their bush kinder program will be operational no later than the start of Term 2, 2025. Applications will be open again in 2025 and 2026.All applications must be submitted online through SmartyGrants.
Kindergarten services must be registered to use the SmartyGrants application system. Registration is free.
For assistance with the online application system:
- email the SmartyGrants Support Desk, or
- call (03) 9320 6888 between 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (Monday to Friday).
Kindergarten services can also consult the SmartyGrants help guide.
Application commitments
By applying:
- kindergarten services accept and agree to:
- the requirements outlined in these Bush Kinder Grants Program Guidelines, including that they meet (or will by no later than the start of the bush kinder program) the regulatory requirements related to delivering a bush kinder program, including the risk assessments for all excursions and regular outings under the Education and Care Services National Regulations (regulation 100 and 101)
- commencing or continuing delivery of their bush kinder program no later than the start of Term 2, 2025
- spending the grant funding between December 2024 and December 2025, and
- completing an acquittal process by no later than December 2025.
- kindergarten services acknowledge that, should they be successful:
- no additional grant funding will be allocated for cost overruns (kindergarten services and/or approved providers must cover any additional costs)
- the kindergarten service will not be eligible to apply to the Bush Kinder Grants Program in a future grant round within the four-year funding period
- the delivery of the bush kinder program, and the appropriateness of equipment/items purchased and/or services/time-release using the grant funding is entirely the responsibility of the kindergarten service and approved provider, and the Department of Education bears no responsibility whatsoever by virtue of having allocated grant funding to a successful applicant (kindergarten service) to the Bush Kinder Grants Program
- kindergarten service details of successful applicants will be retained on an internal-to-government departmental register of Victorian funded kindergarten services providing bush kinder programs, and
- kindergarten services may be contacted in future by the Department of Education in relation to:
- delivery of their bush kinder program, and/or
- evaluation of the Bush Kinder Grants Program.
The following information is sought in the online Bush Kinder Grants Program application form:
- details of two key contact people for the application, including name, position, mobile phone number and email address
- kindergarten service details including:
- provider approval number
- kindergarten service name and ID
- kindergarten service current NQS rating
- kindergarten service for-profit or not-for-profit status, noting that preference will be given to not-for-profit kindergarten services if demand is greater than can be accommodated (evidence of not-for-profit status required via upload)
- confirmation of whether the kindergarten service intends to commence/continue an off-site bush kinder program or an on-site bush kinder program, and either
- for off-site bush kinder programs only: confirmation that the off-site location was selected with appropriate stakeholder engagement and approval (i.e., through engagement with Parks Victoria, local council, Traditional Owners, other landowners)
- for on-site programs only: confirmation that off-site options have been considered and are not viable in the kindergarten service’s specific circumstances
- an estimated dollar spend against each category from which the kindergarten service wishes to purchase equipment/items and/or services/time-release
- confirmation that the kindergarten service has, or will have in place, appropriate VEYLDF-aligned curriculum, risk management, inclusion and other plans as appropriate, no later than the commencement of the bush kinder program
- confirmation that the kindergarten service can meet the regulatory requirements related to delivering a bush kinder program including the risk assessments for all excursions and regular outings (regulation 100 and 101)
- confirmation that the kindergarten service can meet compliance requirements as outlined below under ‘Compliance Requirements’
- confirmation that the kindergarten service management is supportive of bush kinder, and commits to continuing a bush kinder program into the future as part of its three and/or four-year-old kindergarten program offering, beyond the term of the grant funding, and
- responses to two targeted selection criteria, limited to 350 words per response.
Selection criteria
1. Demonstrate how your kindergarten service plans to establish (or enhance) and embed bush kinder/nature play into your existing kindergarten program
Please outline:
- your service’s motivation for delivering a bush kinder/nature play program and explain how it aligns with your service’s philosophy and connects with your existing educational program to improve children’s outcomes as outlined in VEYLDF
- the main policies and plans you have in place to operate the bush kinder/nature play program and ensure it operates safely and in line with regulations (i.e. program planning, risk management, inclusion planning, program evaluations and review).
2. Demonstrate how your service has collaborated with stakeholders to determine the location of the bush kinder/nature play program and ensure its success
Please outline:
- who you have engaged with to determine a suitable location for your bush kinder/nature play program
- how families have been or will be involved in / informed of your service’s plan for establishing a bush kinder/nature play program
- whether staff and management/leadership have prepared for and are supportive of the program.
Applications will be assessed by the department. An initial eligibility check will occur to confirm each applicant’s status as a funded Victorian kindergarten service with a current NQS rating and no compliance or performance issues.
If the Bush Kinder Grants Program is oversubscribed, priority will be given (in order) to kindergarten services that are:
- establishing new programs (rather than enhancing existing programs)
- seeking funding for off-site programs (rather than on-site programs)
- not-for-profit, and
- socioeconomically disadvantaged (assessed based on School Readiness Funding data).
Geographic distribution across the state and responses to the two short-answer questions will also be taken into consideration in determining successful applicants (kindergarten services) if the grant round is oversubscribed.
Application outcomes
Funding will be allocated at the discretion of the department.
Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application in writing. All application outcomes are final.
Funding is available for up to 150 kindergarten services per year over the four-year funding period (600 kindergarten services in total, each receiving a one-off $6,000 payment).
Submitting an application does not guarantee funding will be awarded to your kindergarten service.
Kindergarten services are reminded that this is a multi-year grants program, and applications will open again in the second half of 2025 and 2026 for bush kinder programs commencing the following calendar year.
Unsuccessful applicants in the 2023 and 2024 grants round are encouraged to reapply in future rounds. Successful grant applicants in the 2023 and 2024 grants round will not be considered in future rounds as the grants are a one-off contribution.
National Law and Regulations
The Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations outline the legal obligations of approved providers, nominated supervisors, and educators and explain the powers and functions of the state and territory regulatory authorities and Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. For information specific to the legislative requirements of a bush kinder program, see the ACECQA Information Sheet: The Legislative Requirements of an In-Nature Program.
For information on operating an early childhood service, and the associated obligations, see the Operational Requirements: Quality Areas 1 to 7.
Child Safe Standards
All services that deliver a program to children have a legal responsibility to comply with Child Safe Standards in Victoria. For further information, see the Child Safe Standards - Early childhood services page.
Betrayal of Trust
From 1 July 2019, non-government organisations funded by the Victorian Government to deliver services to children will be required, as a condition of funding to be:
- incorporated separate legal entities that can be sued in their own right in child abuse proceedings
- appropriately insured against child abuse.
For further information, see the Victorian Funding Requirements for Services to Children Fact Sheet.
Establishing a bush kinder and best practice
The following links are provided as a starting point for considering best practice approaches to establishing and delivering a bush kinder program. Kindergarten services are encouraged to undertake their own research to determine how to best establish and embed bush kinder into their kindergarten program.
Department of Education
Further advice and resources on establishing a Bush kinder, aligned with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, are available on the
Victorian Educators Outdoor Pedagogy Portal
All educators in Victoria can use the Victorian Educators Outdoor Pedagogy Portal for free. This portal is designed to inspire outdoor teaching and support diversity in learning environments.
Parks Victoria
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority
- National Quality Framework
- ACECQA Information Sheet: The Legislative Requirements of an In-Nature Program
- ACECQA Information Sheet: The How and Why of In-Nature Programs
Information privacy
The information you provide will be dealt with in accordance with the Public Records Act 1973 and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
More information
If you have any queries, contact the Department of Education Bush Kinder Grants Program team via email: bush.kinder.grants@education.vic.gov.au
Building Blocks Grants Program
Through the department’s Building Blocks Grants program, eligible kindergarten services can apply for upgrades to early childhood buildings and facilities (including outdoor areas and playgrounds) and purchase equipment to provide safe and more inclusive environments for children of all abilities. Further information on these grant programs, including opening and closing dates is available on the Victorian School Building Authority website.
Service Name LGA 123Kids Casey City Academy of Early Education Brimbank City Almost French Early Learning Yarra City Amiga Montessori Alamanda Wyndham City Amiga Montessori Burwood Whitehorse City Amiga Montessori Greenvale Hume City Amiga Montessori Tarneit Wyndham City Amiga Montessori Wallace Ave Wyndham City Amiga Montessori Wollert Whittlesea City Annie Galvin Early Learning Centre Greater Bendigo City Appletree Hill Kindergarten Monash City Ararat North Kinder Care Ararat Rural City Argyle Road Child Care Centre Boroondara City Aspire Early Education Cranbourne West Casey City Aspire Early Education Pakenham Cardinia Shire Avenel Early Childhood Service Strathbogie Shire Badger Creek Preschool Yarra Ranges Ballan Community Kindergarten Moorabool Shire Ballarat Rudolf Steiner Kindergarten Ballarat City Beechworth Community Early Years Learning Centre INC Indigo Shire Beis Menachem Community Centre Inc Glen Eira City Beleura Hill Preschool Mornington Peninsula Shire Belford Oaks Community Children's Centre Boroondara City Berrimba Child Care Campaspe Shire Birches Early Learning Centre Bunyip Cardinia Shire Bridge Road Early Learning Centre Yarra City Bubup Wilam Aboriginal Child and Family Centre Inc. Whittlesea City Buckle My Shoe Terang Pty Ltd Corangamite Shire Buninyong Childcare Centre Ballarat City Busy Bees at Wyndham Vale Wyndham City Cairnlea Kindy and Child Care Centre Brimbank City Camberwell Baptist Church Kindergarten Boroondara City Castlemaine Steiner Kindergarten Mount Alexander Shire Cockatoo Kinder Cardinia Shire Community Kids Heathmont Early Education Centre Maroondah City Community Kids Shepparton Early Education Centre Greater Shepparton City Coolaroo South Kindergarten at Coolaroo South Primary School Hume City Creative Garden Early Learning Cheltenham Kingston City Croydon Central Kindergarten Maroondah City Deepdene Early Learning Centre Boroondara City Derrimut YMCA Early Learning Centre Brimbank City Derrinallum Preschool Corangamite Shire Dewdrops Early Learning - Moreland Merri-bek City Dingee Preschool Loddon Shire Discovery Childcare and Education Maroondah City Discovery Childcare and Education (Ringwood) Maroondah City Dorset Early Learning & Kindergarten Maroondah City Essex Heights Juniors Monash City Euroa Kindergarten Strathbogie Explorers Early Learning - Brighton East Bayside City Explorers Early Learning - Dandenong Greater Dandenong City Explorers Early Learning - Greenvale Hume City Explorers Early Learning - Kooyong Road Stonnington City Explorers Early Learning - Mornington Mornington Peninsula Shire Fairbairn Road Kindergarten Brimbank City Federation Children - Newtown Greater Geelong City Federation Children's Centre Churchill Latrobe City Flinders Preschool Mornington Peninsula Shire Freshwater Creek Steiner Kindergarten Surf Coast Shire Froebel Fitzroy North Yarra City Generations Early Learning Mildura Rural City Genius Newcomb Greater Geelong City Glassford Street Uniting Kindergarten Wellington Glen Education Aspendale North Kindergarten Kingston City Glenroy Hub Children's Centre Merri-bek City Goodstart Early Learning Boronia Knox City Goodstart Early Learning Brighton - Cochrane Street Bayside City Goodstart Early Learning Brunswick West Merri-bek City Goodstart Early Learning Bundoora - Karl Court Whittlesea City Goodstart Early Learning Chadstone Monash City Goodstart Early Learning Clifton Hill Yarra City Goodstart Early Learning Deer Park Brimbank City Goodstart Early Learning Derrimut Brimbank City Goodstart Early Learning Endeavour Hills - Barnsley Drive Casey City Goodstart Early Learning Greenvale Hume City Goodstart Early Learning Hampton Park - Coral Drive Casey City Goodstart Early Learning Hillside Melton City Goodstart Early Learning Lynbrook Casey City Goodstart Early Learning Melton - Centenary Avenue Melton City Goodstart Early Learning Mont Albert Whitehorse City Goodstart Early Learning Narre Warren - Pound Road South Casey City Goodstart Early Learning Pakenham Cardinia Shire Goodstart Early Learning Rosanna - Banyule Road Banyule City Goodstart Early Learning Rowville - Stud Road Knox City Goodstart Early Learning Warrnambool Warrnambool City Goodstart Early Learning Wendouree Ballarat City Green Leaves Early Learning Richmond Yarra City Green Leaves Early Learning Wendouree Ballarat City Grow Early Education Tarneit Wyndham City Guardian Childcare & Education Blackburn South Whitehorse City Heyfield Uniting Kindergarten Wellington Hoppers Crossing Montessori Centre Pty Ltd Wyndham City Inspire Early Learning Journey Chadstone Glen Eira City Kardinia Early Learning - Geelong Greater Geelong City Kids on the Avenue Children's Centre Merri-bek City Kings College Preschool Warrnambool City Korowa AGS Early Learning Centre for 3 and 4 Year Olds Boroondara City Kyabram Community & Learning Centre Campaspe Shire Lamdeni School Inc Glen Eira City Learning Ladder Early Learning, Kindergarten and Childcare Services Casey City Len Jeffrey Memorial Kindergarten Yarra Ranges Shire Little Stars Early Education Centre Moonee Valley City Mallee Minors Childcare Centre Mildura Rural City Maroondah Kindergarten Maroondah City McKenzie Street Children's Centre Bass Coast Shire Meeniyan Preschool South Gippsland Shire Mitchell Street Child Care Centre Merri-bek City Moresby Avenue Child Care Centre Manningham City Narre Warren YMCA Early Learning Centre Casey City Nathalia & District Preschool Moira Shire Nickis Clever Cookies Darebin City Nido Early School Glenroy Merri-bek City Nido Early School Ormond Glen Eira City Oak Park Children's Centre Merri-bek City Oakleigh Grammar Early Learning Centre Monash City Oarsome Drive Childcare Centre Brimbank City One World Children's Centre Greater Geelong City Only About Children Highett Bayside City Pakenham Consolidated School Learn, Explore and Play Cardinia Shire Pakenham YMCA Early Learning Centre Cardinia Shire Park Street Early Learning Co-op Ltd Merri-bek City Poet's Grove Family and Children's Centre Port Phillip City Pro Kidz Benalla Rural City Punt Road Kindergarten and Childcare Centre Moira Shire Quantin Binnah Community Centre Wyndham Raising Stars Childcare and Kindergarten Greater Dandenong City Reema Kindergarten Casey City Robin's Nest Early Learning Centre Greater Dandenong City Rothschild Road Kindergarten at Willowbank Primary School Macedon Ranges Shire Save the Children Kindergarten - Mooroopna Greater Shepparton City Skipton Kindergarten Pyrenees Shire Smart Children Early Learning Centre Greater Dandenong City St Andrews Uniting Kindergarten Sunbury Hume City St Catherine's Early Education Centre Melbourne City St Johns Lutheran Kindergarten Greater Geelong City St Pauls Anglican Kindergarten Boroondara City St Paul's Early Learning Centre - Warragul Baw Baw Shire Swinburne Children's Centre Croydon Maroondah City Talbot Kindergarten Central Goldfields Shire Thomastown Learning Centre Whittlesea City Tullamarine Early Learning Centre Hume City Virginia Park Child Care Centre Glen Eira City Wangaratta West Kindergarten Wangaratta Rural City Wattle Hill Kindergarten Whitehorse City Wattle Planet Early Learning Centre Knox City Wedderburn Preschool Loddon Shire Wendouree Children's Services Ballarat City Whiz Kidz Early Learning Centre Wollert Whittlesea City Woodville Child Care Centre Wyndham YMCA Whittlesea - Galada Kindergarten Whittlesea City Service Name LGA Airport West Early Learning Co-operative MOONEE VALLEY CITY All Saints Preschool Yarra Junction Inc YARRA RANGES SHIRE Allara Kindergarten CASEY CITY Ararat Early Learning Centre ARARAT RURAL CITY Ashwood Children's Centre MONASH CITY Aspire Early Education and Kindergarten Bendigo GREATER BENDIGO CITY Ballarat North Early Learning Centre BALLARAT CITY Bambou Early Learning Centre MONASH CITY Barngeong Reserve Kindergarten MAROONDAH CITY Belle Vue Park Kindergarten MORELAND CITY Bethal Primary School Kindergarten HUME CITY Billy-Beet Childcare and Kindergarten Epping WHITTLESEA CITY Brentwood Kindergarten MONASH CITY Brighthouse Early Learning Kilmore MITCHELL SHIRE Bright Kids Early Learning YARRA RANGES SHIRE Broadmeadows Preschool HUME CITY Brunswick Creche & Day Nursery MORELAND CITY Bunyip Kindergarten CARDINIA SHIRE Busy Bees at Epping WHITTLESEA CITY Childs Play Torquay SURF COAST SHIRE Choklits Child Care MAROONDAH CITY Cire Children’s Services Mount Evelyn YARRA RANGES SHIRE Cire Children's Service & Kindergarten Chirnside Park YARRA RANGES SHIRE Cire Children’s Services Yarra Junction YARRA RANGES SHIRE Cobden & District Kindergarten CORANGAMITE SHIRE Country Buddies Wangaratta WANGARATTA RURAL CITY Country Buddies Yarrawonga MOIRA SHIRE Craigieburn West YMCA Early Learning Centre HUME CITY Cranbourne North YMCA Early Learning Centre CASEY CITY Crib Point Early Learning Centre MORNINGTON PENINSULA SHIRE Croydon Early Learning Centre MAROONDAH CITY Dallas Kindergarten @ Dallas Brooks Community Primary School HUME CITY Davis Creek Primary School Kindergarten WYNDHAM CITY De Garis Preschool MILDURA RURAL CITY Donvale Early Learning Centre MANNINGHAM CITY Dunstan Reserve Child Care Centre MORELAND CITY Early Learning Childcare & Kindergarten MELTON CITY Edenhope Early Childhood Service WEST WIMMERA SHIRE Eilleen Taylor Kindergarten MOIRA SHIRE Estrella Preschool BOROONDARA CITY Eunoia Education CASEY CITY Fawkner Park Children's Centre MELBOURNE CITY Ferguson Park Kindergarten NILLUMBIK SHIRE Flemington Child Care Co-operative MOONEE VALLEY CITY Ganbu Gulinj Kindergarten WHITTLESEA CITY Gisborne Montessori School MACEDON RANGES SHIRE Glenroy Central Kindergarten MORELAND CITY Goodstart Early Learning Bendigo - McIvor Road GREATER BENDIGO CITY Goodstart Early Learning Epping WHITTLESEA CITY Goodstart Early Learning Langwarrin FRANKSTON CITY Goodstart Early Learning Melbourne MELBOURNE CITY Goodstart Early Learning Mildura - Matthew Flinders Drive MILDURA RURAL CITY Goodstart Early Learning Mount Helen BALLARAT CITY Goodstart Early Learning Reservoir DAREBIN CITY Goodstart Early Learning Rosebud - Boneo Road MORNINGTON PENINSULA SHIRE Goodstart Early Learning Sunbury - Bennett Court HUME CITY Goodstart Early Learning Torquay SURF COAST SHIRE Goodstart Early Learning Wantirna South - Cathies Lane KNOX CITY Goodstart Early Learning Warragul - Burke Street BAW BAW SHIRE Goodstart Early Learning West Melton MELTON CITY Gowrie Victoria Carlton Learning Precinct MELBOURNE CITY Green Park Kindergarten HORSHAM RURAL CITY Greenwood Early Education Officer CARDINIA SHIRE Greenwood Park Kindergarten MAROONDAH CITY Guardian Childcare & Education Blackburn North WHITEHORSE CITY Guardian Childcare & Education Preston West DAREBIN CITY Hampton Park Community House O.S.H CASEY CITY Havilah Road Preschool GREATER BENDIGO CITY Headstart Early Learning Centre Ocean Grove GREATER GEELONG CITY Heathmont Bilingual Montessori Early Learning MAROONDAH CITY Heathmont East Kindergarten MAROONDAH CITY Hollins Children's Centre CARDINIA SHIRE Hunt Community Child Care Centre BAYSIDE CITY I Am Learning Cranbourne North CASEY CITY Inspire Early Learning Journey Preston DAREBIN CITY Jack & Jill Kindergarten BAYSIDE CITY Kardinia Early Learning - Warrnambool WARRNAMBOOL CITY Kidding Around Childcare and Kindergarten FRANKSTON CITY Kids Club Early Learning Centre GREATER DANDENONG CITY Korin Korin Kindergarten WHITTLESEA CITY Lake Gardens Children's Centre BALLARAT CITY Laverton Community Children's Centre HOBSONS BAY CITY Little Acorns Childcare FRANKSTON CITY Little Charlie’s Early Learning Centre KNOX CITY Lonsdale House Childcare QUEENSCLIFFE BOROUGH Lorne Street Kindergarten at Fawkner Primary School MORELAND CITY Maldon Preschool Centre MOUNT ALEXANDER SHIRE Mayone bulluk Kindergarten CASEY CITY Meadows Primary School Kindergarten HUME CITY Meraki Early Learning Centre YARRA RANGES SHIRE Mill Park Lakes Preschool WHITTLESEA CITY Montessori Beginnings Malvern STONNINGTON CITY Montessori Beginnings Mildura MILDURA RURAL CITY Moomba Park Kindergarten HUME CITY Moreland Kindergarten MORELAND CITY Mountain View Children's Centre ALPINE SHIRE Murchison Kindergarten and Early Childhood Service GREATER SHEPPARTON CITY Nagambie Kindergarten & Early Childhood Services STRATHBOGIE SHIRE Nar Nar Goon Kindergarten CARDINIA SHIRE Ness Reserve Pre-school NILLUMBIK SHIRE Newhope Baptist Preschool WHITEHORSE CITY Newlands Preschool MORELAND CITY Nino Early Learning Adventures - Lalor WHITTLESEA CITY Northern Bay College Early Learning Centre GREATER GEELONG CITY Norwood Kindergarten MAROONDAH CITY Numurkah Kindergarten MOIRA SHIRE Oakleigh Early Learning Journey MONASH CITY Occasional Child Care Centre Diamond Creek NILLUMBIK SHIRE Olympic Avenue Kindergarten BAYSIDE CITY Only About Children Camberwell BOROONDARA CITY Panton Hill Preschool NILLUMBIK SHIRE Penguin Childcare Epping WHITTLESEA CITY Poowong Uniting Kindergarten SOUTH GIPPSLAND SHIRE Richmond Creche and Kindergarten Inc YARRA CITY Rosanna Village Child Care Centre BANYULE CITY San Remo Kindergarten BASS COAST SHIRE Seymour Family and Children's Centre MITCHELL SHIRE Shine Bright Tongala Kindergarten CAMPASPE SHIRE Simpson and District Kindergarten CORANGAMITE SHIRE Smart Reader Kids Hallam CASEY CITY Sparkways Richmond Multicultural Children’s Centre YARRA CITY Sparrow Early Learning Bunyip CARDINIA SHIRE Sparrow Early Learning Manor Lakes WYNDHAM CITY Sparrow Early Learning Waterford Rise BAW BAW SHIRE Springvalley Kindergarten GREATER DANDENONG CITY St Andrew's Uniting Kindergarten Warragul BAW BAW SHIRE St Mel's Kindergarten GREATER SHEPPARTON CITY Surrey Hills Child Care Centre WHITEHORSE CITY T L Stone Memorial Kindergarten CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS SHIRE Tawonga Kindergarten ALPINE SHIRE Terang Children's Centre CORANGAMITE SHIRE The Heights Kindergarten WHITTLESEA CITY Timboon & District Kindergarten CORANGAMITE SHIRE Trikki Kidz Cobram MOIRA SHIRE Tungamah Kindergarten & Early Childhood Service MOIRA SHIRE Upfield Kindergarten@Dallas Brooks Community Primary School HUME CITY Village Early Education Wodonga WODONGA CITY Wangaratta Children's Services Centre WANGARATTA RURAL CITY Warrandyte Kindergarten MANNINGHAM CITY Waterfall Gully Preschool MORNINGTON PENINSULA SHIRE Whitfield Community Child Care Centre WANGARATTA RURAL CITY Whiz Kidz Early Learning Centre and Preschool Delahey BRIMBANK CITY Whiz Kidz Early Learning Centre Craigieburn HUME CITY Wood Street Childcare Centre DAREBIN CITY Woodlands House Child Care GREATER GEELONG CITY Woodlands Long Day Care & Kindergarten Sunbury HUME CITY Yarraberg Children's Centre YARRA CITY Yarrawonga Early Childhood Centre MOIRA SHIRE YMCA Diggers Rest Early Learning Centre MELTON CITY York Street Kindergarten at Glenroy West Primary School MORELAND CITY