Get started with these resources
Understanding what recovery is and means
Disaster Recovery Toolkit for Local Government 01 - Understanding disaster recovery
As toolkit #1 under the Disaster Recovery Toolkit for Local Government, this document provides a broad context and understanding of recovery from disaster.
Guide to Disaster Recovery Capitals (ReCap)
This guide is for people, organisations and governments engaged in disaster recovery.
National Principles for Disaster Recovery
The National Principles for Disaster Recovery can be used by communities, governments and recovery agencies to guide efforts, approach, planning and decision-making throughout recovery.
Start post-disaster recovery planning at a local level
Disaster Recovery Toolkit for Local Government 03 – When Disaster Strikes: The First Days and Weeks
This document assumes that recovery readiness will have occurred and builds on this preparatory work by addressing the factors contributing to recovery success.
Community Recovery - Handbook 2
This handbook aims to provide a comprehensive guide to community recovery in Australia.
Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements
The Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) is a cost sharing arrangement between the Commonwealth and State governments to support relief and recovery activities following an eligible disaster.
Know who to talk to and how to engage with people
Principles for communicating in recovery
This guide on communication is for people or organisations working and managing information in a post-emergency or disaster environment.
Victorian State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP)
The State Emergency Management Plan outlines the emergency management arrangements for Victoria to inform all levels of planning - state, regional and municipal.
Lessons Learned by Community Recovery Committees of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires
This report was developed by members of Community Recovery Committees from the 2009 Victorian Bushfires.
Other featured resources
Psychological First Aid - Supporting People Affected by Disaster in Australia
This guide provides an overview of best practice in psychological first aid following disasters and traumatic events and outlines how psychological first aid can be operationalised in Australia.
10 Years Beyond Bushfires Report
This report presents an overview of the key learnings in the 10 years since the 2009 Victorian bushfires.
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