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Ports and freight

As the nation’s largest exporter of agricultural commodities and the engine room of manufacturing, Victoria is the freight and logistics capital of Australia – yet moving freight is a complex task. We are committed to coordinating the development of an efficient freight and logistics system through the delivery of the Victorian Freight Plan: Delivering the Goods, Navigating our Port Futures: The Victorian Commercial Ports Strategy, Moving More With Less: High Productivity Freight Vehicle Plan, and the Sustainable Local Ports Framework.

Victoria's freight task

Unlike in other states, Victoria's freight is generated by a multitude of different sources.

Our reliance on food and fibre and manufacturing means exports aren't simply dug out of the ground and railed to a port but collected from thousands of farms and factory gates right across the state.

That's why better freight connections are essential to the success of Victorian businesses and primary producers and – ultimately – to job creation across all parts of our economy.

And it's why projects are underway across Victoria to move freight more efficiently – projects like the Murray Basin Rail Project(opens in a new window), the M80 Upgrade, the West Gate Tunnel, the Port Rail Shuttle network, bridge strengthening and regional freight route upgrades, and planning for a second container port.

Victoria’s freight advantage is reinforced by two curfew-free airports that carry a third of the nation’s air freight. While only about one per cent of freight by volume is moved through Melbourne and Avalon airports, it represents 20 per cent by value.

Victoria’s commercial ports play a critical role in enabling economic activity as the trading gateways to markets in Australia and overseas. This includes the movement of around 98 per cent of Victoria’s exports volume.

An increase in Victoria’s gross product by $40 billion over the next three decades will see freight volumes more than double.

To build on our advantage as the freight and logistics capital of Australia, more will need to be done to safeguard freight networks for the future.

Read more about Victoria’s commercial ports, local ports, rail freight network and key freight projects.

Resources to download

The Victorian Freight Plan: Delivering the Goods
PDF 2.48 MB
(opens in a new window)
Navigating our Port Futures: The Victorian Commercial Ports Strategy
PDF 9.97 MB
(opens in a new window)
Moving More with Less: High Productivity Freight Vehicle Plan
PDF 6.92 MB
(opens in a new window)
Sustainable Local Ports Framework
PDF 191.52 KB
(opens in a new window)
