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Public transport fines

Information to help people who have received a fine on Melbourne's public transport system and in railway station car parks.

Pay your fine

You can pay your fine in full in the following ways:

For a new copy of your Infringement Notice or Penalty Reminder Notice, or to request a payment extension, please contact us(opens in a new window).

Request an internal review

You can apply for a review of your public transport offence with the Department of Transport and Planning, if you believe that:
  • There has been a defect or mistake made in issuing the Infringement Notice
  • The fine has been sent to the wrong person
  • You are experiencing special circumstances
  • There are other exceptional circumstances
  • You are unaware of the fine.

You are only entitled to have the matter reviewed once by the Department of Transport and Planning. Learn more about requesting an internal review.

If you are not the person named on the Infringement Notice, you must provide a signed letter of authority from the person who has received the fine.

Request a court hearing

You can have your matter heard in the Magistrates’ Court(opens in a new window) or, in the case of child offence, Children’s Court(opens in a new window).

Complete this online form to request to have your matter heard in court.

You will be notified of the outcome of your request by mail.

If your application to go to court is accepted, the matter will be listed at the applicable court. The Department of Transport and Planning will also send a Court Summons to your residential address. The Court Summons will contain the court hearing date and time.

Learn more about legal assistance.

Some of the possible outcomes from a court hearing may be:

  • A conviction record if you are found guilty
  • You may be issued with a new fine with a penalty cost that may be more, or may be less than the original Infringement Notice cost
  • The matter may be dismissed or discharged
  • The hearing of your matter may be adjourned or postponed
  • You may be issued with a court order to do unpaid community work.

Nominate another driver

If you were not driving the motor vehicle at the time of the offence, you can nominate the driver to the Department of Transport and Planning using this form. You can only apply to nominate another driver when the matter is at the Infringement Notice or Penalty Reminder Notice stage.

You can complete the Driver Nomination Statement form on your Infringement Notice or Penalty Reminder Notice and return the form using the following instructions:

  • Email a scanned copy to
  • Send your hard copy printed version to Transport Regulatory Operations, GPO Box 2392, Melbourne VIC 3001.

You will be notified of the outcome of your request by mail.

Your nomination may not be accepted if you cannot properly identify the nominated driver. It is an offence under the Road Safety Act (1986) to knowingly provide false or misleading information in the Driver Nomination Statement.

Interpreting service

If you need help understanding your Infringement Notice or if English is not your first language, please call 13 14 50 or visit the Translating and Interpreting Service website(opens in a new window) for an interpreting or translation service.

You can seek independent legal advice from:

Lost Infringement Notice

If you have accidentally misplaced your Infringement Notice, please contact us(opens in a new window) as soon as possible to arrange for an electronic copy of your infringement notice to be sent to your email.

Error in Infringement Notice

If there is a spelling or typing error in the Infringement Notice, please contact us(opens in a new window) and provide the following information so that the error can be corrected:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Offence date and/or time
  • Offence location
  • Address or personal details as listed on the Infringement Notice
  • Correct address or personal details required to be updated

If you think that the infringement has been made to you in error, you may request for the infringement to be reviewed, you can learn more about requesting an internal review.

Online or telephone payment issues

If the online or telephone payment system states that the reference number provided is invalid, please check that you have entered the 22-digit payment reference number (without spaces) printed at the bottom of your current payment slip.

Record of non-compliance (RoNC) processing time

If you were recently reported for an offence by an Authorised Officer, please allow approximately four to six weeks from the offence date to receive an Infringement Notice in the mail.

Feedback for Authorised Officers, public transport employees or public transport service

If you would like to provide feedback about an Authorised Officer, public transport employee or the public transport service, you may contact Public Transport Victoria at 1800 800 007 or complete a feedback form(opens in a new window).

Feedback for myki

If you would like to provide feedback about myki, you may contact Public Transport Victoria at 1800 800 007 or complete a feedback form(opens in a new window).

Fines registered with Fines Victoria

If you have any questions about the Notice of Final Demand issued by Fines Victoria or have any questions regarding an infringement registered with Fines Victoria, please see Fines Victoria(opens in a new window) for more information.

Fines registered with Children’s Court

If you have any questions about the Notice of Court Case issued by Children’s Court or have any questions regarding an infringement registered with Children’s Court, please see Children’s Court(opens in a new window) for more information.

Fairer fare enforcement

On 1 January 2017, a fairer approach to fare compliance was introduced in Victoria.

The new public transport infringement enforcement approach is systematic and consistent in both issuing fines, and where needed, the enforcement of public transport infringements and warnings.

This approach replaces the former two-tiered approach to infringements and on-the-spot penalty fines.

Find out more about the fairer fare enforcement approach.

Public Statement Ticketing Compliance and Enforcement Review
PDF 143.43 KB
(opens in a new window)

Feet on seats

You should always keep your feet on the floor or designated footrests when using public transport. Placing your feet on seats or other surfaces can make them dirty or damaged, making the journey less comfortable for other passengers. It’s important to keep shared spaces clean and respectful for everyone.

Avoiding future fines

We recommend the following tips to avoid any future public transport offences:

  • Always ensure that you have a valid travel ticket on the public transport network, and that it is readily available to supply to Authorised Officers if needed.
  • Remember that it can take a minimum of 90 minutes for your myki balance to update when you choose to top up online or by assisted phone methods.
  • Check that your V/Line ticket allows for metro city travel before boarding your next route.
  • If you have a concession travel ticket, ensure that you carry your proof of concession with you, and that it is readily available to supply to Authorised Officers if needed.
  • Show respect and be courteous to the bus/tram/train driver, public transport staff and other passengers.
  • Do not interfere with, or cause damage to any public transport property. This includes public transport vehicles, stations, stop signs, and platforms.
  • Carefully check the parking signs at the railway station parking area before you park your vehicle.

Example list of offences

For a full list of public transport fines, please see the infringement and court penalties list below.

Infringement and court penalties list (Valid from 1 July 2024)
Excel 20.44 KB
(opens in a new window)
Public transport offenceFine for adultFine for children (under 18)
Failing to produce a valid ticket$296$99
Failing to produce evidence of concession$296$99
Smoking in or on a vehicle, tram stop shelter, bus stop shelter, train platform, compulsory ticket area, tram stop platform, or where there is a notice$296$99
Littering on a vehicle or premises$296$99
Placing feet on anything other than the floor, or a part of a public transport vehicle designed for the placement of feet, without a reasonable excuse$296$99
Behaving in an obscene, offensive, threatening, disorderly or riotous manner
Interfering with gates or doors on a vehicle or premises without a reasonable excuse$494$99
Travelling on part of a vehicle not meant for travel without reasonable excuse$494$99

Revenue from fines

Revenue from fines is returned to State Government consolidated revenue. An administration fee per fine is paid to help cover costs incurred in the ticket enforcement process.
