The guidelines aim to facilitate walking, cycling, and public transport in new urban and regional developments.
Purpose of the guidelines
The guidelines show how development and infrastructure can be designed to encourage walking, cycling, and the use of public transport. They emphasize that:
- safety is critical (for example, the Victorian Government policy discourages new level crossings and they are unlikely to receive approval)
- public transport, walking, and cycling should be given priority
- careful design will deliver an efficient transport network, improving service speeds and reliability
- proposals should be designed to expedite, not impede, public transport.
The guidelines will deliver broad community benefits, by:
- encouraging sustainable travel options
- alleviating traffic congestion
- improving urban amenities, connectivity, and accessibility between communities, workplaces, and urban centres.
What the guidelines cover
The guidelines set out design principles and provide advice on where to access detailed public transport and planning information. This includes advice on trains, trams, buses and interchanges. There is particular advice on:
- bus routes in new subdivisions
- road design
- walking and cycling
- design requirements for public transport infrastructure such as stops and parking facilities
- Disability Discrimination Act requirements for public transport.
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