Our latest transport safety campaigns
Our public awareness campaigns are developed to educate drivers, pedestrians and other road users on how to make their travel as safe as possible, to help prevent deaths, injuries and near-misses on and around our public transport network.
Safety you can see
We work closely with Victoria Police and public transport operators to help make your journey safer on the public transport network. There are staff and many safety features across the train, tram and bus network; all working together to help keep you safe.
These include Protective Services Officers (PSOs), Authorised Officers, Transit Police, customer service staff, CCTV, emergency assistance buttons and safety zones.
Understanding the safety features will help to make your journey a safer one.
At a train station
The following 360-degree video shows some of the safety features that can be found at metropolitan train stations. Some of the key safety features include CCTV cameras, Safety Zones, Emergency Buttons and patrolling PSOs.
Onboard a tram
The below 360-degree video explores some of the safety features that can be found on trams. Some of the key safety features include CCTV cameras, Emergency Intercom Buttons, patrolling PSOs and the tram driver.
Onboard a bus
This 360-degree video explores some of the safety features that can be found on metropolitan buses. Some of the key safety features include CCTV cameras, patrolling PSOs and the bus driver.
Make your journey a safe one
We’re all busy in some way or another, and if you’re travelling on public transport this could mean you’re only one step away from an unexpected slip, trip or fall.
Accidents can happen to anyone, at any time no matter how regularly you travel, or how familiar you are with your service and journey.
There are a number of things you can do to keep yourself and others safe while travelling:
- Hold on - as soon as you get onboard
- Avoid rushing - plan ahead
- Watch your step - stay focused when getting on and off

Find out how to make your journey a safe one.(opens in a new window)
Level crossing safety
With several near-misses and collisions reported across the state, these campaigns aim to educate motorists about safety around level crossings.
Resources to download:
- Download Keep Tracks Clear 15 second video (MP4, 8.7MB)(opens in a new window)
- Download Keep Tracks Clear social tile (JPG, 852KB)(opens in a new window)
Always be alert when approaching a railway crossing. Stop, look and listen for trains before you cross.
Driving around trams
With 70 per cent of tram crashes happening when cars turn or merge onto tram tracks, our Trams Can't Swerve campaign reminds drivers to check for tram.
Level crossing safety toolkit
The Department of Transport and Planning has developed a toolkit to help anyone wanting to share level crossing safety messages.
The toolkit provides a range of resources with key safety messages that can be downloaded and used on websites, social media, e-newsletters and other channels.
Other safety information and resources
Public transport pedestrian safety
Accidents can happen to anyone, at any time, no matter how regularly you travel, or how familiar you are with your public transport service and journey.
The PTV website has information for passengers and pedestrians about travelling safely on and around the public transport network in Victoria. Find out more about travelling safely(opens in a new window).
Driving safely around public transport
Trams, trains and buses share many of our roads, and incidents can result not only in an injury to yourself, but also to passengers, drivers and other road users.
Be aware that trains, trams and buses are larger, heavier, and take longer to stop.
Find out some simple rules for driving safely around trams(opens in a new window), trains and level crossings(opens in a new window).