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Movement and Place in Victoria

Victoria's strong population growth continues to place pressure on our transport system.

That’s why we’ve developed an approach to designing our roads and streets that meets the increasing needs of people and businesses while also creating or improving great places that make up our state.

Traditionally, roads and streets are considered only movement corridors to get us from A to B.

The Department of Transport and Planning’s new approach, the Movement and Place framework, recognises that streets not only keep people and goods moving, they’re also places for people to live, work and enjoy.

This means when we plan and develop the transport network, we need to balance the needs of both transport users and place users and design a mix of transport modes that are appropriate to how the road and places are used by communities.

Whether they are pedestrians, drivers or cyclists, Movement and Place puts people at the centre of transport planning.

It offers a common language to support meaningful discussions with communities about how we can address and prioritise Victoria’s future transport challenges.


Movement and Place has many uses at the strategic network planning and development level and at the detailed project level.

It marries network-wide and localised considerations. At its heart, the framework organises transport links by their place and movement roles into road and street types.

A set of priority uses, performance measures and potential interventions are then developed for each road and street type.

Movement and Place in Victoria - February 2019
PDF 1.96 MB
(opens in a new window)
Movement and Place in Victoria
Word 1.18 MB
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If you require more information about conducting Movement and Place assessments email
