The Footscray Opportunity and Directions Paper (FODP) highlights the opportunities in the precinct for investment and partnerships:
As one of the Victorian Government’s priority precincts, the Paper sets out a strategic plan for Footscray as the heart of creativity and enterprise in Melbourne’s inner west, embracing diversity and fostering opportunity for growth. The Paper provides a framework to:
- Leverage Victorian Government investment with a focus on economic, land use, transport, social, creative and sustainability objectives
- Drive future investment and job growth
- Coordinate actions of Victorian Government precinct partners.
The 2022-23 State Budget provided $2.4 million for the Go West Festivals Fund to support Victorian festivals to present and commission work form artists in Melbourne's West, in particular, those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Funding of $17.5 million was also provided to pilot a creative infrastructure grants program for upgrades to facilities, including the Footscray Community Arts Centre.
Other recent investments include:
- $1.5 billion for the new Footscray Hospital(opens in a new window)
- More than $120 million for the Footscray Learning Precinct including the Footscray High School Kinnear Campus(opens in a new window) and Footscray City Primary School(opens in a new window)
- $36.6 million to redevelop Whitten Oval(opens in a new window)
- Transport projects(opens in a new window) as part of Victoria’s Big Build
- Melbourne Airport Rail and Geelong Fast Rail services will also make Footscray more accessible.
The Paper was developed after consultation with precinct partners and the community including:
- Maribyrnong City Council
- Western Health
- Victoria University
- Footscray Learning Precinct
- Footscray Traders Association
- Footscray Asian Business Association.
You can view the feedback and the key themes of discussion in the FODP Engagement Report:
Cultural heart of Melbourne’s west

Footscray is a designated Priority Precinct in recognition of its role as the gateway to the west. The precinct services a growing population and provides new and diversified economic opportunities.
Why precincts?
Priority Precincts are state-significant areas aimed at creating more quality housing and jobs while building on Melbourne’s legacy of distinctiveness, liveability and sustainability.
Taking a Precincts approach enables the Victorian Government to lead and coordinate planning and delivery, working in partnership with local government, the community and private sector.
In the network of precincts, Footscray’s role is as a local centre with a direct focus on community health and provision of services and training opportunities for the inner west.
Local places and projects on the horizon

Existing Footscray Hospital site
The development of the new Footscray Hospital(opens in a new window) will provide an opportunity for redevelopment of the existing Footscray Hospital site.
Preliminary studies to understand the opportunities for the site are currently underway. When more information becomes available, engagement with key stakeholders and the community will be undertaken for future planning of the site.
For more information, please see the Existing Footscray Hospital information sheet:
Setting the scene
Nestled on the Maribyrnong River, only five kilometres west of the CBD, Footscray was Melbourne’s industrial powerhouse for many decades. Bluestone quarries boosted Footscray’s economy and factories lined Footscray’s streets.
Between 2006 and 2016, the Footscray population grew by around 40 per cent.
Due to its rapid growth, Footscray is steadily shifting to new small-scale manufacturing and a health and education focus with major players like Western Health and Victoria University driving jobs, investment and social connections in the precinct.
The health, wellbeing and education sectors will become major employers in the future.

According to the 2016 census, the accommodation and food services sector is the largest local employer (employing 12 per cent of the local workforce). Another 11 per cent work in health care and social assistance and 10 per cent in education and training.
The number of houses and apartments in Footscray is growing. The precinct has almost 2,000 more homes today than in 2011. There are more than 5,000 apartments either under construction or in the planning pipeline.
Infrastructure and services
The major infrastructure agenda in Footscray will see this precinct enjoy:
- high connectivity
- quality health and care services
- a range of education options.
Growing health services in Footscray will create jobs and give people better access to medical care and improve overall health outcomes.

Footscray Park is one of Australia’s biggest and best Edwardian era parks. Other public spaces in the precinct include Whitten Oval and the Maribyrnong River parklands with an extensive cycling network connecting the region.
More information
The Victorian Government is continuing to work with stakeholders to realise the vision for Footscray.
For more information or enquiries please contact: