27 March 2023
Site establishment and early works for the Maidstone tram maintenance and stabling facility project are starting soon. The site at 61-71 Hampstead Road needs to be prepared and deemed safe before construction of the tram facility can start later this year.
Between April to July, we will be on site:
- Disconnecting utilities (water, electricity, gas and communications)
- Removing waste and site remediation by licensed removalists in line with Victorian environmental laws
- Demolishing three non-heritage buildings
- Constructing an internal access road
- Installing fencing and temporary site facilities for the workforce.
To build the facility, we need to remove or trim trees on the south-west section of the site within the project area. There will be tree removal from April to late 2023.
We understand that trees are highly valued by the community. We’ll retain as many trees as possible and replace every tree we do remove with at least two new trees, either as part of our landscaping or elsewhere in the local area.
More information is available in the Trees and vegetation Fact Sheet.
All site establishment and early works will occur during approved construction hours, Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm and Saturday 7am to 3pm.
What to expect
We’ll try to minimise impacts for residents and businesses; however you may notice:
- Moderate level of noise, vibration and dust
- Construction workers and vehicles
- Crew members in hazardous materials suits
These works will not impact your gas, water or electricity supply. Access to homes and businesses will be maintained at all times.
Traffic management will be in place to help pedestrians and vehicles safely move around the area. Please follow the signs and directions from traffic control staff.
Get in touch
Find more information about the Maidstone tram maintenance and stabling facility.
If you have any questions, please email MaidstoneTMF@transport.vic.gov.au, or call 1800 105 105 anytime.
For languages other than English call 9209 0147.
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