Department of Transport policy and strategy
- Movement and Place in Victoria (Department of Transport, February 2019)
- Principal Bicycle Network(opens in a new window) (VicRoads, 2012)
- Principal Public Transport Network (State Government of Victoria, 2017)
- Public Transport Guidelines for Land-Use Development (Department of Transport, 2008)
- Strategic Cycling Corridors (Department of Transport, 2021)
- Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 (Department of Transport, 2021)
- Victorian Cycling Strategy 2018-28(opens in a new window) (Transport for Victoria)
- VicTrack Rail Development Interface Guidelines(opens in a new window) (VicTrack, 2019)
Delivering the Goods, Creating Victorian Jobs: Victorian Freight Plan
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Guidelines for developing Principal Pedestrian Networks DJTR 2015
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Principal Freight Network DoT 2021
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Principal Transport Gateways Department of Transport 2021
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Strategic port documents
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2050 Port Development Strategy, 2020 edition (Port of Melbourne, 2020)
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Port of Geelong Port Development Strategy 2018 (Victorian Regional Channels Authority, 2018)
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Port of Portland – Port Development Strategy (Port of Portland, 2019)
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Statement of Planning Policy No 1 – Western Port (1970-varied 1976)
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Strategic airport documents
- National Airports Safeguarding Framework(opens in a new window) (as agreed by Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers at the meeting of the Standing Council on Transport and Infrastructure on 18 May 2012
- Avalon Airport Master Plan(opens in a new window) (Avalon Airport Australia Pty Ltd, 2015)
Melbourne Airport Strategy (Government of Victoria/Federal Airports Corporation, approved 1990)
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