Setting the standard for modern public transport, the Victorian-built trams will be accessible, comfortable and energy-efficient.
The roll out of the new trams will see the retirement of some of Melbourne’s longest-serving high-floor trams making it easier for everyone to catch the tram.
To support these improvements to Melbourne’s tram network, a new tram maintenance and stabling facility will be built on part of the old Victoria University site at the corner of Williamson and Hampstead roads in Maidstone.
To keep Melbourne’s tram network running safely and reliably the facility will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In addition to providing transport and accessibility benefits, the tram facility will create approximately 280 jobs in construction, ongoing maintenance, and the supply chain with local suppliers providing materials and services.
This project is part of Victoria’s unprecedented $90 billion investment in transport infrastructure projects, which will provide better, more connected, and more accessible services for Victorians.
The Hampstead Road site will also be used for a new Maribyrnong Ambulance Branch, a construction site for a new Melbourne Water sewer connection and other essential services.
Project at a glance
- 100 new Next Generation Trams
- New Victorian-built fleet
- A modern and reliable fleet with trams running on local routes 57, 59 and 82
- Accessible trams for all Victorians
- 1900 jobs in local manufacturing and supply chain
- 280 jobs in ongoing maintenance and construction
We asked the local community what areas of the project are most important to them, how they’d like to hear from us, and how they travel through the neighbourhood.
Consultation was open from 1 September until 30 September 2022. We collected feedback via an online survey on the Engage Victoria website and an online information session.
The survey was available in English, Vietnamese, and Simplified Chinese – the languages spoken by the local community.
We promoted and encouraged participation in the consultation through social media advertising, email updates to community groups, local resident and business doorknocks, a letterbox drop of a community newsletter, and an online information session.
Last year we also sought planning submissions. We’ve provided the Minister for Planning with a summary of submissions, all submissions which raised planning issues and the project response to these issues.
The Minister for Planning is currently considering a request to provide planning approval for the project. planning submissions
Consultation summary
- 55 community surveys submitted
- People viewed Engage Victoria page more than 4700 times
- Social media advertising reached over 20,000 people
- Community newsletter delivered to 2200 properties
- We received 80 questions on Engage Victoria page
- We received 25 planning submissions
Who we heard from
The majority of our survey participants live in the local area with 40 per cent owning land or property.
Travelling by car was the most preferred way to travel, followed by walking and cycling. More than 60 per cent of people we heard from use public transport.
Bus was the most popular, followed by tram travel.

Please note that respondents could select more than one answer to this question.

Please note that respondents could select more than one answer to this question.
What’s important to you
You told us that operational requirements of the facility, landscaping and amenity, and sustainability initiatives were areas of the project you wanted to know more about.
We’ll keep you updated on these topics through community newsletters, work notices delivered to your letterbox and the project website. You can also sign up to receive regular updates via email and SMS.

This community survey question was based on preferences, and we’ve ranked them in order, with number 1 being the most interested aspect of the project and 10 being the least.
What you told us
From our community survey and your planning submissions we heard that traffic, construction, and noise impacts during facility operations and construction were common concerns for the local community.
Traffic and construction
To build the tram facility the majority of construction will be on the site at 61-71 Hampstead Road.
To extend the tram tracks, during 2023 to 2025 there will be road and lane closures as we’ll work on and next to key arterial and local roads and the tram network. This may lead to changes to how you drive, ride, walk and travel through the neighbourhood.
We’ll work closely with those affected to ensure a high level of communication is maintained before and throughout construction.
In conjunction with VicRoads, Maribyrnong City Council and Public Transport Victoria, we’ll conduct traffic analysis to determine detour routes and a traffic management program to limit disruptions.
Where possible we’ll schedule works when traffic volumes are lower, keep road closures as short as possible and have traffic management in place to help you move safely around the area.
Before any road or lane closures we will notify the community with information on changes to the way you travel and detours, providing you with plenty of notice.
Noise mitigation
The project has adopted a preventative approach to noise management.
The facility layout, design and noise mitigations have been developed to minimise impacts to a reasonably practicable extent, as required by the Environment Protection Authority Victoria guidelines and relevant noise policies and legislation.
The facility has been designed to minimise noise with most noise generating activities occurring inside the administration and maintenance building so that these noises are contained.
We're also installing noise walls that will be set back from the northern, western, and southern boundaries of the facility.
To provide a visual screening and additional privacy, trees will be planted around the western and southern boundaries.
The noise walls will be made from recycled materials up to three metres high with acrylic panels on top allowing light to pass through. Our assessment indicates that with the noise walls installed the night time noise from the facility will be equivalent to a quiet library or quiet open office environment.
Before and during construction, the project team monitors noise levels to make sure construction noise complies with the requirements of the EPA’s Civil construction, building and demolition guide (Publication 1834).
Trams and roads
We heard that some of the local community find it difficult to access the intersection at Hampstead, Williamson, and Wests roads.
You told us that a dedicated right/left turning lane, additional traffic signalling and minor improvements would make access easier.
The project will extend the tram tracks on Hampstead and Williamson roads, with the trams accessing the facility on Hampstead Road. To accommodate the extended tram line on Hampstead Road, we’ll widen the road and install new traffic lights to improve motorist safety when trams enter and exit the facility.
To reduce traffic impacts along Hampstead Road these new traffic lights will be synchronized with the traffic lights at the intersection of Hampstead, Williamson, and Wests roads.
At the intersection of Hampstead, Williamson, and Wests roads we’re also adding two new lanes. In response to your feedback and for operational requirements we're adding dedicated right turning lanes for vehicles and the new Next Generation Trams.
How you’d like us to stay in touch
You told us that you’d like to find out about disruptions and project information via email updates and the project website.
To find out more about the Maidstone tram maintenance and stabling facility and to sign up for email updates(opens in a new window).
If you have any questions, please email or call us on 1800 105 105, anytime.
To sign up to SMS updates text MAIDSTONE to 0428 581 917.

Please note that respondents could select more than one answer to this question.

Please note that respondents could select more than one answer to this question.
Thank you and next steps
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the project. Your feedback, along with technical and engineering investigations helped informed the design and our plans for the tram facility project.
You can view the designs for the Maidstone tram maintenance and stabling facility at
Early works are underway, with major construction on track to start in 2023 once all approvals are in place. The facility will be operational from 2026.
Keeping in touch
To stay up to date on the Maidstone tram maintenance and stabling facility you can:
- Sign up for email updates(opens in a new window)
- Email
- Call 1800 105 105 any time
- For languages other than English call 9209 0147
- To sign up for SMS updates text MAIDSTONE to 0428 581 917
Key dates
- Community engagement
- Site investigations
- Technical assessments
- Community engagement
- Project designs released
- Early works
- Construction begins
2024 to 2025
- Construction
- Tram maintenance and stabling facility operational
Download a PDF version of the Community consultation report