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Inner West initiatives

The Victorian Government is investing in infrastructure and development in Melbourne’s west, including some $20 billion in transformational programs to create a better place to live, work and raise our families.

The transport challenges in this growing and changing area are complex and need an integrated response across government.

Our vision for the Inner West is to improve air quality and liveability by reducing vehicle movements through local streets.

We’re creating direct freight connections for cleaner trucks, shifting more freight to rail, and streamlining access to the port to meet our growing freight task.

We’ve developed a fact sheet outlining the actions underway to improve air quality in the Inner West and across Victoria.

Clearing the air in Melbourne's inner west
PDF 2.13 MB
(opens in a new window)
Clearing the air in Melbournes inner west - Accessible Version
Word 1.72 MB
(opens in a new window)
