Early childhood service funding and grants
Information for early childhood services and professionals about funding and grants.
Health, safety and wellbeing in early childhood services
Requirements and guidance for keeping children safe in early childhood services.
Learning in the early years
Information for early childhood professionals about learning in the early years.
Physical environment in early childhood services
Regulatory requirements for indoor and outdoor spaces in early childhood settings.
Regulation and quality assessment
How we regulate and assess early childhood services in Victoria. Includes guidance on how to make a complaint.
Service administration in early childhood services
Policies and procedures, notifications and administrative requirements for early childhood services.
Staffing requirements for early childhood services
Staff requirements for teachers and educators in Victorian early childhood services, including details for working with children and criminal history checks and ratios.
Starting an early childhood service
Find out how to open an early childhood service in Victoria.
Best Start, Best Life - information for professionals
Toolkits, policies and resources to support the Best Start, Best Life reforms
Professional learning and support for early childhood professionals
Professional development and career information for early childhood professionals.
Contact an Early Childhood office at the department
Contact details for our regional early childhood offices and guidance on how to make a complaint.
Early Childhood Update
News, resources and information that supports the learning and development of young children in Victoria.