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Active schools

Active Schools aims to ensure that all Victorian students have the skills, confidence and motivation to be active in life.

The $45.4 million Active Schools initiative builds on existing programs and funding to boost support and resources for schools to get students moving. It includes:

  • a toolkit for school leaders and teachers
  • expert Physical Activity Advisors
  • funding for schools.

What is an active school?

Children spend about half of their waking hours at school. It is critical that schools support and encourage children and young people to move more and sit less throughout the day – before, during and after school.

An active school encourages physical activity through a whole school approach that goes beyond traditional physical education and sport to promote physical activity at every opportunity.

An active school is a school that values and commits to promoting physical activity through curriculum, general school life and the local community, and can support a child to become physically literate and active for life.

Building an active school

The Active Schools Framework supports schools to take a whole-school approach to physical activity, recognising there is no single solution to shifting inactivity. It takes a multifaceted and system-wide effort. An active school provides students opportunities to be active through the 6 priority areas outlined in the Active Schools Framework:

  • quality physical education
  • quality school sport
  • active classrooms
  • active travel
  • active recreation
  • supportive school environment.

Active Schools Framework

  • Download 'Active Schools Framework'

Support and resources

Benefits of becoming an active school

There is a wealth of evidence supporting the role that schools can play in promoting physical activity and the health of students. Benefits of being active at school include improvements in:

  • classroom behaviour
  • brain function
  • concentration
  • learning outcomes
  • motivation
  • social interactions
  • physical health
  • emotional and psychological well-being.

Joint Ministerial Statement

A Joint Ministerial Statement on Physical Activity for Children and Young People between the Ministers for Education, Community Sport and Health sets out how schools, in partnership with families and the community, can set our children on a physical activity path for life, including through the Active Schools Framework.

Get Active Kids voucher program

The Program will deliver $200 vouchers to more than 100,000 eligible Victorian children, assisting lower-income families with the costs of participation in sport and active recreation activities.

The implementation of the Get Active Kids Voucher Program is managed by Sport and Recreation Victoria within the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR). For further information, visit the Get Active Victoria website.

Additionally, you can contact the Get Active Kids Voucher Program Team:
