Student health, wellbeing and inclusive education
Active schools
Ensuring that all Victorian students have the skills, confidence and motivation to be active in life.
Bully Stoppers
A campaign to encourage everyone in every school community to help prevent and respond to bullying.
High Intensity Outside School Hours Care Initiative for students with disabilities
Supporting children and young people with disabilities to access appropriate OSHC services for free.
LOOKOUT Education Support Centres
Professional development and support for schools, carers and practitioners to support young people living in out-of-home care.
Inclusive education for students with disabilities
Creating safe and inclusive school environments for students with disabilities and additional needs.
The Marrung strategy ensures that all Koorie Victorians achieve their learning aspirations.
Compulsory minimum child safety standards for all Victorian early childhood services and schools.
Safe Schools
Supporting schools to foster a safe environment that is supportive and inclusive of LGBTIQA+ students.
Safe Socials
Supports to stay safe and have positive experiences online.
School-wide Positive Behaviour Support
Creating positive school environments to boost student success and engagement.
Supporting Koorie Students in the West
Ensuring schools are culturally safe environments.
Victorian Anti Bullying and Mental Health Initiative
$9.5 million investment to put a stop to bullying in our schools.
Early childhood programs
Best Start
An early years initiative to help provide children the best possible environment, experiences and care.
Early childhood language program
The Victorian Government has invested $53.8 million to help preschool children learn in a language other than English. The program will run in kindergartens from 2019 to 2027.
School Readiness Funding: supporting kindergartens
Giving all children an equal chance to thrive by providing all kindergartens with extra resourcing.
Kinder: Best Start, Best Life
Find out about Free Kinder, Pre-Prep, Kinder Kits, Kinder Tick, and more. Explore opportunities and support for early childhood educators and teachers.
The Early Years Compact
Victorian and local government working together in new ways with families, services and communities to give all children the best start in life.
School-based programs
Your world. Your VCE.
Secondary school options have expanded to include VCE, VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate.
Blended arts education (dance and drama)
Every child and young person – no matter their background or circumstance – deserves a chance to participate in quality arts education.
My Career Insights
Information for parents about your child’s Morrisby profile and interview with a career consultant
Doctors in Secondary Schools
School-based primary healthcare for secondary students.
Education Plans
School, government and community collaborating to shape a local ‘people and place’ approach to education.
Free period products in all government schools
Helping schools promote positive menstrual health.
Glasses for Kids
Provides free vision screening and, if needed, further testing and free glasses to participating Prep to Year 3 students. Glasses for Kids targets school communities across Victoria based on areas of disadvantage.
Music in schools
Music education enhances academic success, boosts confidence, and improves overall wellbeing in young people.
Respectful Relationships
Embedding a culture of respect, positive attitudes, and equality across the whole school community.
School Breakfast Clubs program
Offering free, nutritious and healthy food for students in all participating Victorian government schools.
School Saving Bonus
Learn more about the School Saving Bonus.
School Industry Roundtables
Secondary schools, training providers, industry and local government come together and collaborate on improving education, training and employment pathways for students.
Senior secondary schooling pathway reforms
We want every Victorian student’s senior secondary experience to be positive, enjoyable and rewarding.
Speech pathology in schools
Providing select primary schools with more than 35,000 hours of speech pathology support for students.
Student Excellence Program
Delivering a range of initiatives for Victorian government schools to support and extend their high-ability students.
Swimming in schools
Supporting all students to achieve the Victorian Water Safety Certificate with funded swimming and water safety education.
Tech Schools
Tech Schools inspire students to shape a better future today. They provide free high-tech STEM programs to local students, who remain enrolled in their local secondary school.
Trade Training Centres in Schools
Australian government program to help address skills shortages in trades and emerging industries.
Transforming career education
New initiatives to improve career education in Victorian government schools.
Year 9 NAPLAN certificates of achievement
Celebrating Year 9 students who achieve outstanding or significantly improved NAPLAN tests results.
Victorian Early Leaver Connection Initiative
Supporting Victorian young people who leave school without completing Year 12.
Supporting the teaching profession
Ensuring a strong, sustainable and supported school workforce
The Victorian Government is investing over $1.6 billion across 5 focus areas for a strong and sustainable school workforce.
Board certified behaviour analyst pilot project
Building the capability of student support services staff to help students with complex behaviours.
Career Start: transforming the first years of the teaching career
Supporting graduate teachers in the first year of their career.
Relocation incentives to teach in Regional Victoria
Targeted initiative offering incentive payments to attract more teachers to hard to fill positions in Victorian government schools.
Initial teacher education reforms
Reforms to improve the quality of initial teacher education, support and development for teachers early in their careers and increase the status of the teaching profession.
Victorian Mathematics Ambassadors
The Victorian Government is on the hunt for 4 new mathematics ambassadors to promote excellence in teaching at primary and secondary levels.
Programs for parents and carers
Look Before You Lock
Anyone can accidentally leave their child in a car. Remember to check your back seat before leaving.
Never Leave Kids in Cars
Never leave your most precious valuables, your children, alone in the car.
The Education State

The Education State
Victoria’s vision for the Education State is to deliver excellence in every classroom, in every corner of the state.Our vision is shared, developed with input from Victorian students, families, teachers and school leaders.