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Premiers' Reading Challenge book list

The book list provides a broad range of books for the Challenge. Each title on these lists is allocated to the appropriate year level or levels.

The book list provides a broad range of books for the Premiers' Reading Challenge. Students, parents and educators can choose appropriate reading material for each Challenger.

Books are added to the list regularly by an expert panel that includes teachers and librarians.

Choosing age appropriate books

Not all books on the list are recommended text for all children.

The online system allows a student to select any book from the book list, regardless of the year level it has been allocated. Readers can choose what interests them. Teachers or coordinators approve, through online verification, each student’s reading list as appropriate and challenging for the individual.

If you have any concerns about the content of titles on the book lists, we encourage you to become involved in your child's book selections. This helps make sure they're appropriate.

Each title on these lists has been allocated to the year level or levels it is usually most appropriate. A number of titles appear on more than one list.

The list of books for year 9 and 10 is for mature readers. The list includes a range of young adult titles that students, parents and teachers can choose which is appropriate for each individual.

The books on this list are diverse in style and contain a range of themes and ideas. They reflect the reading habits and choices made by some young adolescents. The inclusion of a book on this list does not mean it is a recommended text for all students.

Challenge books for 2025

Premiers' Reading Challenge book list.

Books are reviewed throughout the year and online choice books are changed to challenge books as required. This list is correct at March 2025.

Where to get books for the Challenge

You should be able to find many suitable books in your school or local library. You may have books at home that you can add to your children’s reading lists. Remember too that you can add books that are not listed on the Challenge book list – these can be added as personal choice books.

The Vision Australia Information Library Service provides services to persons with a print disability under the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). In Victoria it has the status of a public library ensuring free membership for persons with a print disability.

Membership is only available to persons with a print disability as defined by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).

To assist our junior members and their parent/guardian, books within the collection which are listed on the Challenge application are tagged and searchable under Premiers' Reading Challenge and the year categories.

For more information, refer to the Vision Australia Library.
