Unpacking positive mental health and wellbeing
Positive mental health and wellbeing is important for your child or teen’s healthy development and learning. It supports them to manage the normal challenges of life.
Environments, experiences, relationships and individual characteristics all contribute to mental health and wellbeing.
For children and teens, wellbeing is supported when they:
- feel valued, loved and safe
- have their basic material needs met
- have physical, mental, emotional and social health
- can learn (in and outside the classroom)
- participate in decision-making
- are connected to their community
- have a positive sense of identity and culture.
Mental health exists on a continuum
It can be helpful to think of mental health and mental ill-health as existing along a continuum.
We all move along the continuum as we face challenges and situations that test our capacity to cope and change our mental health. Our mental health can change slowly or quickly.

Most people will experience changes in their mental health at some point during their lifetime. Social, emotional and environmental factors all influence our position along the continuum. Learn more about the mental health continuum.
Even if someone isn’t experiencing mental ill-health, that doesn’t mean their mental health is flourishing. Alternatively, it is possible to be diagnosed with a mental illness and still feel well and function effectively in many aspects of life.
Supporting your child’s wellbeing at home
As parents and carers, you’re already doing lots of things to support your child’s mental health and wellbeing. You can continue to protect your child’s mental health and wellbeing by developing and promoting:
- healthy sleeping habits
- healthy eating habits
- physical activity
- strong and nurturing relationships
- positive self-talk and providing praise, encouragement
- mindfulness, kindness and gratitude
- social and emotional skills
- help seeking.
For a range of videos and articles backed by Australian experts on how to support your child’s mental health, visit Raising Children Network.
Find practical parenting tips on boosting your child’s mental and wellbeing, plus answers to key questions on when, why and how to seek support at the raising a healthy mind app.
Mental Health support during school holidays
Mental health support, resources and advice are available for students and families to access over the school holidays. Two fact sheets for students and families:
- support positive mental health and wellbeing of students
- identify signs students may need mental health support
- access available support.
These fact sheets are also available in 19 different languages.
To access the factsheets, including translated factsheets, visit: mental health supports for students over school holidays.
Parenting support
All parents and carers need support to build confidence and skills or to discuss specific concerns.
Online and phone support
- Confidential, anonymous counselling and support for parents and carers of children of all ages. Call 13 22 89 or visit Parentline.
- Resources and advice on supporting your child’s mental health and links to 24/7 phone support line for children and teens at Kids Helpline - parents.
- Free parent coaching service at One on One Support.
- Free specialist LGBTIQ+ helpline with information, support, and referrals for all LGBTIQ+ Victorians, their friends and family at Rainbow Door.
- Parents and carers of transgender and gender diverse children can get peer support, information, referrals and connections at Parents of Gender Diverse Children.
- Transcend provides peer support, information, advocacy and connections to parents and carers of transgender and gender diverse children.
Parenting programs
- Triple P- Positive Parenting Program is an evidence-based toolbox for raising happy and confident children and teens. All families in Victoria can do free Triple P programs to help support every child’s emotional wellbeing and every family’s mental health.
- For help gaining the skills and confidence to support your child's development, visit Regional Parenting Services.
- If you have a child with a disability or developmental delay, get support at the Strengthening Parent Support Program.
More information on Victorian Government Services for parents and carers.