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Secondary schools agriculture fund

Encouraging students to transition into modern careers in agriculture.


Who can apply:
Government, businesses, not-for-profit groups
$0 - $200,000

The Victorian Government is backing educators across the secondary schooling sector to deliver the agriculture skills of the future.

The $5.5 million Secondary Schools Agriculture Fund (SSAF) is supporting students to transition into agricultural careers. The program is helping meet the growing demands of the agriculture sector which is seeking:

  • workers with digital, business and marketing skills
  • food and fibre entrepreneurs who can take products to international markets.

Available funding

Funding is being provided across two streams.

$4.5 million is being provided for Schools and Place-based activities. It allows secondary schools and supporting local organisations to invest in boosting pathways to agricultural careers. Funding will be available for agriculture education activities that could include:

  • designing programs
  • engagement with local industry
  • purchasing equipment and other identified school needs.

$1 million is being provided to Tech Schools to increase delivery of online and outreach agriculture technology programs. This can include investment in resources and new technology to deliver programs to students that meet industry needs.

Objectives of the Secondary Schools Agriculture Fund

The SSAF's objective is to increase the number of young people pursuing training and/or working in agriculture by increasing:

  • student and teacher awareness of agricultural careers and the range of opportunities available in the modern agricultural sector and in their local area
  • student access to agricultural training pathways utilising modern technology through:
    • VET delivered to secondary students
    • school-based apprenticeships and traineeships.
  • the quality of agriculture training for school students through:
    • sharing of best practice delivery
    • connections to local employers
    • connections between education sectors.
  • agricultural pathways accessible to all Victorian students through:
    • improved cultural safety
    • inclusion of Aboriginal students and other cohorts under-represented in agricultural careers.

Key dates for Schools and Place-based stream

  • Applications open

    25 May 2022

  • Applications close

    24 June 2022

  • Notification of application outcome

    5 to 9 September 2022

  • Delivery commencement

    3 October 2022

  • Final payments

    20 March 2024

  • Program completion

    22 March 2024

