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A teal background with 3 overlapping circles on the right-hand side. These contain, left to right: A father and teenage son looking at a laptop together, a medical professional looking at a monitor in a room full of equipment, two cafe owners looking at an iPad together.

Cyber Strategy 2021: Mission 2

A cyber safe place to work, live and learn.

All Victorians who use digital systems and services will experience some level of cyber risk. Data from the Australian Cyber Security Centre shows that too often Victorians are falling victim to these cyber risks, with a new cybercrime reported in Victoria every 40 minutes.

Mission 2 aims to support individuals, households, businesses and community groups to connect, engage and work safely online. We will align community engagement, education, legislation, policing and emergency management arrangements to foster a cyber resilient culture for Victoria.

Animated GIF depicting a woman sitting at a desk using a computer, with the title: Mission Two, a cyber safe place to work, live and learn.

Mission 2 key priorities

Victorians receive practical advice about how to reduce cyber risks

Cybercrime is increasing in scale and sophistication. One in four cybercrime reports to the Australian Cyber Security Centre affects Victoria. Understanding of cybercrime varies across government, businesses and the community. The opportunity exists to provide Victorians with clear and practical advice about cyber risks, including cybercrime, to reduce the likelihood and extent of harm.

Police are supported to prevent, detect, disrupt and prosecute cybercrime and other online offending (including technology-enabled crime)*

Cybercrime is a global issue with local impacts. The growing role of technology in crime presents a pressing and urgent challenge for law enforcement agencies around the world. Technology is used by criminals to support, enable, hide and increase the efficiency of their criminal enterprises, including serious and organised crime, online sexual offending and family violence. Police need the skills, tools and powers to combat this growing challenge, now and into the future.

Critical infrastructure owners and operators, and essential service providers, are supported to improve their cyber resilience

Technology is integral to the operation of critical infrastructure and essential services. Critical infrastructure is an attractive target for malicious cyber activity. Cyber-attacks against critical infrastructure and essential services can have significant consequences for the community and our environment. Critical infrastructure and essential service providers should be empowered and supported to combat cyber risks.

Target state

The Victorian Government will create a cyber safe place for Victorians to work and live through appropriate legislation, policing and emergency management arrangements.

We want individuals, households, businesses and community groups to be resilient to cyber risks, allowing them to connect, engage and transact safely online.

Victoria’s critical infrastructure and essential service providers should be supported to enhance their cyber resilience and mitigate service disruptions.


Improve understanding of cyber risks, issues and response opportunities

2.1 Establish an Expert Advisory Panel to provide insight on current and future cybercrime risks, issues and response opportunities, and identify future risk mitigation strategies.

2.2 The Expert Advisory Panel should report to government on opportunities to:
a. Enhance cybercrime messaging and education programs for government, industry and the community
b. Reduce the community impact and harm associated with cybercrime
c. Consider legislative reform opportunities to help police combat cybercrime.

Improve cyber support for Victoria’s critical infrastructure and essential services

2.3 Continue to build on engagement with the Victorian Government Critical Infrastructure Sector Resilience Networks and the Critical Infrastructure Resilience Sector Forum to share cyber risk advice and mitigation strategies.

2.4 Review and improve arrangements for sharing cyber threat intelligence with critical infrastructure and essential service providers, in partnership with Emergency Management Victoria.

2.5 Develop an annual cyber exercise program in partnership with Victoria’s critical infrastructure owners and operators, to support the continuous review and improvement of Victoria’s cyber emergency management arrangements.

Improve approaches to reducing the likelihood and community impacts of cybercrime

2.6 Support the delivery of a new Victoria Police Cybercrime Strategy to boost Victoria Police capability to prevent, detect, disrupt and prosecute cybercrime affecting Victoria.

Support improved cyber resilience for government, industry and community groups

2.7 Review cyber risk messaging and education programs for government, business and community groups to identify improvement opportunities.

*Cybercrime is defined as crime directed at computers or other IT systems/assets, and technology-enabled crime.
