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Victorian Government Cyber Incident Response Service

Helping Victorian Government organisations reduce the harm from cyber-attacks.

The Victorian Government Cyber Incident Response Service supports all Victorian Government organisations to respond to cyber security incidents.

The service also coordinates Victoria's response to significant cyber security incidents and emergencies, including those affecting multiple sectors or communities.

The service was established under the Victorian Government Cyber Security Strategy 2016-2020 to help reduce the scope, impact and severity of cyber security incidents on government and the community.

Available services

Victorian Government organisations can access the following services:

  • Support to develop cyber incident response plans.
  • Support to conduct cyber desktop exercises to practice incident response plans.
  • Cyber threat intelligence and indicators of compromise exchange.
  • Cyber incident investigation services, including:
    • evidence acquisition
    • log data analysis
    • memory capture analysis
    • network capture analysis
    • malware analysis
    • email analysis
    • attack attribution (for serious/significant incidents)
    • phishing takedown and malicious URL removal
  • Identity compromise and victim support services.
  • Strategic communications support for whole-of-government incidents.
  • Law enforcement and national security liaison, including liaison with Victoria Police and the Australian Cyber Security Centre.

Operating hours

The service is available 24 hours (by phone) to respond to cyber security incidents.

About the response service

The service is funded by the Department of Premier and Cabinet Cyber Security Unit.

Our service does not cover:

  • the purchase of IT hardware
  • other costs of recovering from a cyber security incident, such as legal costs and public relations expenses

The service is confidential to all Victorian Government organisations.

We share some information about cyber security incidents with the Australian Cyber Security Centre and Australian law enforcement agencies to support national efforts to combat cyber security threats.
