Government services
Births deaths and marriages
The Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages Victoria (BDM) is involved in some of the most significant moments in Victorians' lives. They work hard to provide a helpful and empathetic service and take pride in the records we keep for the Victorian community.
BDM is responsible for recording all births, adoptions, marriages and deaths in Victoria. Registering domestic and caring relationships in Victoria. Registering name changes for people born or living in Victoria. Registering changes of record of sex for people born or living in Victoria. Issuing certificates for all the above. Offering a civil marriage service through the Victorian Marriage Registry. BDM also offers some of our records to people looking to trace their family history. We also provide data to the government, universities, and medical institutions for research and planning.
Cenitex provides shared information and communications technology services to the Victorian Government. Cenitex supports a modern, agile, and productive public sector, and is driven by a commitment to efficient digital services. Its services include access and network management, security, user workspace, remote working applications, and cloud services.
Public Record Office Victoria
Public Record Office Victoria maintains the archives of the State Government of Victoria, holding the official records dating from the mid-1830s to today. If all of the records held in storage were placed end-to-end they would stretch for more than 100 kilometres. The Public Record Office of Victoria manages these records for use by the government and people of Victoria for now and future generations. The collection contains records of decisions, events, people, and places that have shaped the history of Victoria.
Service Victoria
Service Victoria is the government’s dedicated customer service agency making it simpler and easier to get things done with the Victorian Government. Service Victoria brings together more than 100 of the most popular transactions on an award-winning mobile phone app and website. The app was the most downloaded in Australia in 2021 and has been installed on around 6.6 million devices. Thousands of people use it each day to get quick and instant access to the digital services they want and need.
Service Victoria has an overall customer satisfaction score of 95% and has delivered more than 1.1 billion transactions since going live in 2017.
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Consumer affairs
Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria
The Director of Consumer Affairs is the statutory office created under the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012. Under Sections 109 and 110 of this Act, the Director has significant powers and functions and is supported by Consumer Affairs Victoria. These include operational matters covering education, compliance monitoring and enforcement. Nicole Rich is the current Director and is also the Executive Director of Regulatory Services at the Department of Government Services.
Commissioner for Residential Tenancies
The Commissioner for Residential Tenancies provides independent advice to the Victorian Government to recommend changes to renting laws, programs, and services to improve the renting rights, practices, and tenant experiences across Victoria.
Chief Dispute Resolution Officer
The Chief Dispute Resolution Officer is established under Part 4 of the Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 oversees the effective operation of Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria and Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria.
Both organisations assist Victorians to resolve disputes by providing fair, fast and free mediation and early resolution services. The services also provide accredited mediation training and tailored conflict management packages.
Motor Car Traders Claims Committee
The Motor Car Traders Claims Committee is a statutory committee established under section 57 of the Motor Car Traders Act 1986. Anyone (except a motor car trader, a motor car manufacturer, finance broker or public statutory authority) who has suffered a loss after purchasing a car, can make a claim for compensation from the Motor Car Traders Guarantee Fund. The Committee consider and determine these claims.
Residential Tenancies Bond Authority
The Residential Tenancies Bond Authority is a statutory authority established by the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 to hold all Victorian residential tenancy bonds including those applying to residents of long-term caravans and rooming houses.
Business Licensing Authority
The Business Licensing Authority is an independent regulator, operating under the Business Licensing Authority Act 1998 . The Authority administers licensing and registration schemes for certain industries such as real estate agents and professional engineers. These schemes protect consumers, provide quality safeguards, and mitigate against criminal conduct by establishing minimum standards for industry entrants.
Local government
Arbiter Panel List
The arbiter panel list is established under section 142 of the Local Government Act 2020 by the Secretary.
Following an application by a council, councillor, or group of councillors to the principal councillor conduct registrar, an arbiter may be engaged to make a finding in relation to a councillor’s actions or activities that may be considered as misconduct due to breaching prescribed standards of conduct.
Commissions of Inquiry
The Minister for Local Government can, under section 209 of the Local Government Act 1989 and section 200 of the Local Government Act 2020, appoint a commissioner or commissioners to establish an inquiry into a council’s affairs. This is in cases where serious governance failures by council have been identified. Following the Commissioner/s inquiry a report on findings and recommendations is provided to the Minister.
On 28 October 2022, a Commission of Inquiry was appointed to inquire into matters relating to the affairs of the Moira Shire Council. The Commission will report to the Minister for Local Government by 28 February 2023.
Councillor conduct framework
The Local Government Act 2020 establishes a councillor conduct framework to manage councillor conduct and behaviour.
Entities within the councillor conduct framework are:
Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar
The principal councillor conduct registrar is appointed by the Secretary under section 148 of the Local Government Act 2020. The registrar administers councillor conduct panel processes under the councillor conduct framework. The registrar is also responsible for appointing an arbiter to a council where an application alleging misconduct is made under the council’s internal arbitration process.
Councillor Conduct Panel List
The Councillor Conduct Panel List is established under section 153 of the Local Government Act 2020 by the Minister for Local Government. The panel list comprises the following legal and non-legal members.
Following an application by a council, councillor, or group of councillors to the principal councillor conduct registrar, a councillor conduct panel may be formed to make a finding in relation to actions or activities that may be considered as misconduct or serious misconduct.
Independent reviews and reports
Under the Local Government Act 2020, the Minister for Local Government may appoint independent entities to provide advice to councils and report back on council structures, operations and governance.
Victorian Local Government Grants Commission
The Victorian Local Government Grants Commission recommends financial assistance grants from the Commonwealth Government to local councils in Victoria. The commission functions according to the Commonwealth Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995 and a set of national distribution principles.