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DPC portfolios, entities and agencies

Find out which portfolios, agencies and entities are supported administratively by Department of Premier and Cabinet.

DPC supports the following portfolios:

  • Premier
  • Deputy Premier
  • Treaty and First Peoples
  • Multicultural Affairs.

DPC also provides administrative support to the following entities or agencies. In addition, DPC provides administrative support to a number of non-statutory boards, panels and committees not listed here.

Electoral Boundaries Commission

The Electoral Boundaries Commission (EBC) is an independent statutory body responsible for establishing and reviewing Victoria’s electoral boundaries. The EBC regularly reviews the boundaries to ensure the approximate equal enrolment, prescribed by statute, as not varying by more than 10 per cent from the average enrolment per seat for each House of Parliament.

Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

The Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel transforms policy into legislation, advises the Victorian Government on its legislative program and drafts legislation for the government and the Parliament of Victoria. The Office is responsible for ensuring up-to-date, public access to authoritative Victorian legislation. The Chief Parliamentary Counsel is also the Government Printer for Victoria, responsible for printing and publishing Victorian legislation.

Office of the Governor

The Office of the Governor provides support to the Governor of Victoria in carrying out all aspects of their official duties for the benefit of the Victorian community. The Governor’s role includes constitutional and ceremonial duties, community engagement and official municipal, regional and overseas visits – the latter promoting international engagement at the highest level. The Office also maintains Government House and grounds as a unique community asset.

Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council

The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council is an independent statutory body created under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. The Council is composed entirely of Traditional Owners and has a number of key functions under the Act including:

  • making decisions about Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) applications
  • managing and overseeing RAP operations
  • acting as the coordinating body responsible for Aboriginal Ancestral Remains in Victoria
  • overseeing the system of reporting and returning Aboriginal secret or sacred objects
  • managing the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Fund
  • promoting and facilitating research into the Aboriginal cultural heritage of Victoria
  • advising the Minister for Treaty and First Peoples and others on the protection and management of Aboriginal cultural heritage in Victoria.

Victorian Electoral Commission

The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) is an independent and impartial body established under the Electoral Act 2022. The VEC maintains the register of Victorian electors, promotes public awareness and understanding of electoral issues, conducts elections, supports the Electoral Boundaries Commission and administers Victoria’s political funding and donations disclosure rules.

Victorian Multicultural Commission

The Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) strengthens cultural diversity in Victoria through consultation advocacy, celebration and promotion. The VMC is a statutory body established in 1983 and legislated under the Multicultural Victoria Act 2011. It is dedicated to:

  • promoting cultural diversity across all areas of society
  • advocating on behalf of multicultural communities to all levels of government
  • full participation by all Victorians, regardless of their cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds.

Victorian Public Sector Commission

The Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) was established in 2014 and is headed by the Victorian Public Sector Commissioner. The VPSC provides advice and support on issues relevant to public administration, governance, service delivery and workforce matters. The VPSC’s roles are to strengthen the efficiency, effectiveness and capability of the public sector to meet existing and emerging needs and deliver high-quality services. The VPSC also maintains and advocates for public sector professionalism and integrity.

VITS LanguageLoop

VITS LanguageLoop provides high-quality interpreting and translation services across Australia, connecting with customers in over 180 languages across any platform. Beginning in 1978 as the Australian Ethnic Affairs Commission, VITS LanguageLoop is a Government Business Enterprise, owned by the Victorian State Government. VITS LanguageLoop's vision is for an Australian society where intersecting forms of diversity are valued, and language is no barrier to full and equal participation for all.
