Hon Jacinta Allan MP, Premier

The Hon Jacinta Allan MP is the 49th Premier of Victoria, and the Leader of the Victorian Labor Party.
Ms Allan was first elected to the Victorian State Parliament in 1999 as the Member for Bendigo East. She was appointed to the Cabinet in 2002 as Minister for Employment and Youth Affairs. She was Leader of the House from December 2014 to June 2022. Ms Allan was also the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop and Minister for Commonwealth Games Delivery.
Visit the Premier's website
The Hon Ben Carroll MP, Deputy Premier

Mr Carroll is also Minister for Education and Minister for WorkSafe and TAC.
Minister Carroll was born and raised in Airport West where his family have lived for over 40 years.
He has over 20 years’ worth of experience in public service, including as a lawyer for the Victorian Government, and adviser to Victorian Premier Steve Bracks.
First elected as the Member for Niddrie on the 24th of March 2012, Mr Carroll was appointed the Minister for Industry and Employment in October 2017. In this role he oversaw the implementation of Australia’s first ever local jobs first legislation and the countries first Social Procurement Framework.
Following the 2018 Victorian State Election Ben was appointed the Minister for Crime Prevention, Corrections, Youth Justice and Victim Support.
In June 2020, he was appointed the Minister for Public Transport, Roads and Road Safety.
In July 2022, Mr Carroll added the portfolios of Minister for Industry Support and Recovery and Business Precincts to his existing portfolio responsibilities of Public Transport, Roads and Road Safety.
In these roles, Minister Carroll focuses on ensuring Victoria’s transport network and industry policies provide access to opportunity, support the transition to net zero emissions, and build a fairer society.
Following the 2022 Victorian State Election, Ben added the portfolios of Minister for Industry and Innovation, Manufacturing Sovereignty and Employment to his existing portfolio responsibility of Public Transport.
Natalie Hutchins MP, Minister for Treaty and First Peoples

Ms Hutchins is also the Minister for Government Services, Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and Minister for Women.
Minister Hutchins is the Member for Sydenham and was elected to the Victorian Parliament as the Member for Keilor in 2010.
Ms Hutchins has been Minister for Women since June 2022. She previously held the role of Minister for Education from June 2022 to September 2023.
Minister Hutchins previously served as Minister for Local Government from December 2014 to September 2017, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Minister for Industrial Relations from December 2014 to December 2018, Minister for Women and Minister for Prevention of Family Violence from September 2017 to December 2018, and Minister for Crime Prevention, Minister for Corrections, Minister for Youth Justice and Minister for Victim Support from June 2020 to June 2022.
The Minister for Treaty and First Peoples is committed to self-determination and working closely with the Aboriginal community to achieve outcomes.
Visit the First Peoples – State Relations website
Ms Hutchins's contact details.
Ingrid Stitt MP, Minister for Multicultural Affairs

Ingrid Stitt was elected to the Victorian Legislative Council in 2018 representing the Western Metropolitan Region. She is also the Minister for Mental Health and the Minister for Ageing. As Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Ingrid believes that Victoria’s diversity is one of our state’s greatest strengths. She recognises the contribution that our multicultural communities make to make our state stronger and fairer.
Ingrid has also served as Minister for Workplace Safety, Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep and Minister for Environment.
Prior to entering Parliament, Ingrid devoted her working life to representing low paid workers across the private and community sectors. Ingrid has raised her family and lived in the West for over 20 years.
Visit the Multicultural Affairs website