The Council has 5 members:
- Tony Bates, Acting Secretary, Department of Education (Chair)
- Professor Elizabeth Labone, Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Catholic Education Authority
- Rachel Holthouse, Chief Executive Officer, Independent Schools Victoria
- Dr. David Howes, Deputy Secretary, Schools and Regional Services
- Chris Wardlaw, Independent Member, represents the views of students in all Victorian schools.
The Council meets at least 3 times each year. We provide secretarial support to the Council.
Official statements
Ministerial orders
- Ministerial order 1002: Further provisions about the school policy and funding advisory council (amendment) order 2017 (PDF, 530KB)
- Ministerial order 858: Further provisions about the school policy and funding advisory council (PDF, 65KB)
Non-government schools
The majority of Victorian students attend their local public school, including several schools that offer a choice between public and alternative curriculum models.
The non-government school sector provides education to 388,562 Victorian schoolchildren, representing approximately 37% of Victorian students (Source: DE, School Information and Enrolments, Statistics on Victorian schools and teaching).
These schools are diverse, serving a range of different communities. They may provide religious or values-based education, or be based on educational philosophies or different interpretations of mainstream education.
For information about:
- Catholic Schools, refer to the Victorian Catholic Education Authority (VCEA)
- independent schools refer to as Independent Schools Victoria (ISV).
The non-government school sector is represented by these stakeholders on the School Policy and Funding Advisory Council.
Statutory review
A review of the operation of Part 2.7 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 has been undertaken by the legislative requirement (Section 2.7.13) which included consultation with the School Policy and Funding Advisory Council.
A full report is available via:
Terms of reference
The Council operates under the following Terms of Reference, which are reviewed on an annual basis.