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Statutory authorities: Department of Education

We work in conjunction with statutory bodies.

Children's Services Coordination Board

The Children's Services Coordination Board brings together key decision-makers across departments to lead coordination of activities impacting on children and young people. It is established under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005.

The Board comprises the Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police and the Secretaries of the Departments of Premier and Cabinet, Treasury and Finance, Health, Families, Fairness and Housing, Justice and Community Safety, and Education.

The Board is chaired by the Secretary, Department of Education.

The role of the Board is to sponsor and oversee coordination of effort across different Victorian Government programs and policies where this is needed to improve outcomes for children and young people, particularly those vulnerable to harm, disadvantage or social exclusion.

Consistent with its functions under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005, the Board:

  • receives an annual report of The State of Victoria’s Children, which investigates outcomes for children and young people in Victoria, drawing on available data and research, with information included on relevant Victorian Government policies and programs.
  • reviews and reports the findings to the Ministers, including any recommendations for improvement.

The Board is supported by the Children’s Services Coordination Steering Group. Secretariat support is provided by the Department of Education.

Disciplinary Appeals Boards

The Disciplinary Appeals Boards hear and determine appeals in relation to decisions made by the Secretary about officers or employees in the teaching service.

The Senior Chairperson of the Disciplinary Appeals Boards is also the Senior Chairperson of the Merit Protection Boards. In this role, the Senior Chairperson administers the Disciplinary Appeals Boards and selects members to constitute the Boards as required.

The Merit Protection Boards staff provide administrative support to the Disciplinary Appeals Boards.

Merit Protection Boards

The Merit Protection Boards provide an independent mechanism to hear appeals and grievances for employees of the department and associated education statutory authorities.

Appeals and grievances include:

  • transfer and promotion
  • sexual harassment and discrimination
  • incapacity
  • grievances of a general personal nature
  • grievances in relation to police record checks.

Appeals and grievances are heard in the metropolitan area and regional centres, as appropriate.

Through the hearing process, the Merit Protection Boards must ensure that all applicants receive fair and equitable treatment and that the principles of natural justice apply.

The Boards are generally composed of part-time members.

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is an independent statutory body directly responsible to the Victorian Minister for Education, serving both government and non-government schools.

The mission of the VCAA is to provide high quality curriculum, assessment and reporting that promotes individual lifelong learning.

The VCAA provides curriculum and assessment programs for all students in Victoria.

Victorian Institute of Teaching

The Victorian Institute of Teaching is a statutory authority for the regulation of the teaching profession in Victoria.

It registers teachers working in Victorian government, Catholic and independent schools and early childhood services.

Like other professions occupying positions of trust and responsibility, teachers are required to be registered by the Institute before they can teach in Victoria.

The Institute is governed by a 12 member Council, the majority of whom are practising teachers from government, Catholic and independent schools.

Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority

The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) is responsible for the regulation of education and training providers and qualifications in Victoria from home schooling to higher education.

The VRQA regulatory practices are based on a style that is proportionate to risk, minimises duplication with other compliance requirements, a ‘one-stop-shop’ for all education sectors, and focuses on quality assurance, not quality control.

The VRQA's 13 Board members are appointed based on their expertise in education and training.

The VRQA is accountable to the Minister for Education in relation to the regulation of schools and to the Minister for Training and Skills in relation to the regulation of tertiary providers.

Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership

As a statutory authority, the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Learning (the Academy) is established through the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.

The Academy offers evidence-informed and inspiring professional learning to Victorian teachers and school leaders. It is guided by an independent board, that includes members from the government, Catholic and independent school sectors.

The Board is accountable to the Minister for Education. The Academys Chief Executive Officer is responsible to the board for all policy and operational matters, and to the Secretary of the Department of Education for budgetary, personnel and other administrative matters.
