Apply for early childhood jobs
Search and apply for teacher and educator positions in early childhood education.
Apply for school teaching jobs
Search and apply for teaching positions in Victorian government schools.
Apply for jobs in the public sector
Search and apply for roles across the department and in education settings.
How to find and apply for jobs
Apply for a job in the early childhood sector
Information on where jobs in the early childhood industry are advertised and how to apply.
Get a teaching job
How to become a registered teacher and apply for jobs in Victorian government schools.
Recruitment in the public service: Department of Education
General information regarding recruitment in the public service.
Learn about careers in education
Types of teacher
An overview of teaching roles in early childhood, primary school, high school and special education.
Types of careers in the early childhood sector
An overview of the types of careers in the early childhood sector, and what qualifications you may need.
Get qualified to become a teacher
To become a school teacher in Victoria you need to get the right qualifications, register as a teacher in Victoria, and apply for teaching jobs.
Regional education and training careers
We have a range of statewide employment opportunities.
Allied health careers in education and training
Student Support Services (SSS) allied health professionals make a difference in the lives of our most vulnerable children and young people.
Initiatives and incentives for teachers
Relocation incentives to teach in Regional Victoria
Targeted initiative offering incentive payments to attract more teachers to hard to fill positions in Victorian government schools.
Teacher incentives program: information for teachers and principals
Information about the incentives program aimed at attracting and retaining teachers in hard-to-staff positions.
Returning Teachers Support Service
The Returning Teachers Support Service (RTSS) will offer tailored support to non-practicing teachers looking to return to the school workforce.