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Recruitment in the public service: Department of Education

General information regarding recruitment in the public service.


The quality of the workforce is the major factor driving improvement in department workplaces. The department supports a culture of leadership, learning and renewal in all workplaces with opportunities for career development and advancement. Excellent service provision can only happen when the right people are attracted, recruited, and supported to do their jobs as effectively as possible.

Rigorous, transparent and well-defined selection processes for public service positions are crucial for building and sustaining successful workplaces. Selecting the right candidate for a position has a significant impact on workplace performance. Selection to advertised positions is determined solely on the basis of merit assessed in relation to the selection criteria for the position.

Apply for public service jobs

Use Careers.Vic to Search and apply for public service jobs.

After submitting an application, you may be invited for an interview. Job selection panels choose the successful candidate based on merit assessed in the interview and written selection criteria.

Merit is the relevant skills, personal qualities and abilities required to do well in the position.

Tips for applying

  • Address each of the selection criteria in your job application.
  • Proofread your application and ensure you have uploaded the correct documents.
  • Contact the hiring manager if you have any queries relating to the position you are applying for.

Visas and migration

To work in the public service, you need to be:

  • a citizen
  • a permanent resident
  • have a work permit that covers the type of work and time period.

You'll be asked to provide evidence of your status before employment starts.

For more information on migration and visa requirements, visit:

Onboarding documents

For employees who have been successful in obtaining a role in the department, please complete the following forms as part of your onboarding.
