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Disability Inclusion: a new approach for students with disability

Disability Inclusion is part of the Government’s approach to inclusive education. It provides extra support for students with disability in Victorian Government schools.

Disability Inclusion is ensuring every student at every ability thrives at school and in life.

Disability Inclusion is rolling out to Victorian government schools between 2021 and 2025.

For an easy English version of this information, download Disability Inclusion (accessible) (PDF, 2.08MB).

The Victorian Government is investing nearly $1.6 billion in Disability Inclusion.

Disability Inclusion is better responding to the needs of students with disability to ensure they can participate and achieve their full potential at school and in life.

What Disability Inclusion involves

Disability Inclusion is improving the way students with disability are supported in government schools. Disability Inclusion is delivering:

Implementation progress

Over 1240 schools have now transitioned to Disability Inclusion across the state. Implementation is on-track, with the 2023 independent evaluation reporting that school workforces understand and feel positively about Disability Inclusion.

See a snapshot of Disability Inclusion and an overview of implementation so far:

When Disability Inclusion will start at your school

Disability Inclusion started in Term 4, 2021, and is being introduced over 5 years.

When your child completes their Disability Inclusion Profile depends on the Local Government Area (LGA) of the school your child goes to.

If your child is part of the Program for Students with Disability (PSD), they will continue to get support from their school whilst we are introducing Disability Inclusion and it replaces the PSD. Your child’s school will help you work through the new Disability Inclusion Profile.

During the changes, we'll talk to schools, families and children with disability to make sure the new Disability Inclusion meets their needs.

More information
