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Introduction to the Diverse Learners Hub

We’re all different.

And that’s a good thing.

We all think, learn, and play differently.

We all have different strengths.

That’s why some students find some things easier than others.

Many students have differences in the way they learn.

We refer to these students as diverse learners.

This can include autistic students and those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dyscalculia.

There are diverse learners in every classroom, in every school.

So, it’s important to make sure they get the support they need.

We know that with the right support, diverse learners can reach their full potential.

That’s why we’ve established the Diverse Learners Hub – or Hub for short.

The Hub is a centre of excellence for advice and support on these students.

It provides guidance, tools, and information on the best ways to teach and support diverse learners.

These resources are based on the best evidence and are available for all schools, teachers, families, carers, and students.

The Hub offers a whole suite of resources for teachers around learning difficulties.

It includes strategies, tools, and information on how to identify and support students with learning difficulties in literacy and in numeracy.

The Hub also includes information about autism and resources on how to support autistic students.

And there’s information and guidance specifically for parents and carers.

The Hub will also support school leaders and middle leaders on whole-school changes.

Changes that will support, welcome, and include diverse learners.

Small things – such as visual timetables in every classroom – can make a big difference.

Everyone deserves a great education.

Here in Victoria, the Education State, we’re creating great schools that are inclusive of every student who enters through the school gate.

We want all students of every ability to thrive at school and in life.
