Making sure students are safe and well is a priority for the Victorian government. Every child and young person deserves a high quality education. They have the legal right to attend a Victorian government school.
Reasons why a student can be suspended
Suspensions are a discipline measure when all other options have not worked. Suspension may be considered if a student:
- behaves in such a way as to pose a danger to the health, safety, or wellbeing of any person – whether actual, perceived or threatened
- causes significant damage or destruction of property
- commits theft of property, attempts to commit theft of property, or is knowingly involved in theft of property
- possesses, uses or assists another person to use illicit substances or weapons
- fails to comply with any clear and reasonable instruction of a staff member, so as to pose a danger to the health, safety, or wellbeing of any person – whether actual, perceived or threatened
- consistently behaves in an unproductive manner that interferes with the wellbeing, safety, or educational opportunities of any other student
- consistently engages in behaviour that vilifies, defames, degrades, or humiliates another person based on:
- age
- breastfeeding
- gender
- identity
- impairment
- industrial activity
- lawful sexual activity
- marital status
- parent or carer status
- physical features
- political belief or activity
- pregnancy
- race
- religious belief or activity
- sex
- sexual orientation
- personal association (whether as a relative or otherwise) with a person who is identified by any of the above attributes.
A student can be suspended if they do any of these things while:
- attending school
- travelling to or from school
- at a school activity away from the school, including travelling to or from the activity.
What the principal must do
Only a principal can suspend a student. Before the principal can consider suspension they must find ways to support the student’s:
- education and learning needs
- social needs (i.e. relationships and interacting with people)
- emotional needs.
Suspension can be considered if this support does not improve the student’s behaviour. The principal must consider:
- that the student has had the opportunity to be heard
- any information or documents provided by the student or their support person
- all other forms of action to address the student’s behaviour have been considered.
What happens if your child is suspended
If a principal decides suspension is appropriate, the school must give you and your child:
- a notice of suspension
- a copy of the 'Information for parents and carers about school suspensions' brochure.
The principal should also provide you with the following information:
- The reasons for the suspension
- The school days on which the suspension will occur
- Where the suspension will occur (for example, on school grounds or at home)
- The contact details for additional support services for you and your child as appropriate
- The arrangements made for the provision of appropriate school work for your child for the period of the suspension.
If your child is suspended for 3 days or less, the principal should give your child meaningful school work to do while they are suspended from school.
If your child is suspended for more than 3 days, the principal should give you a 'Student absence learning plan' and a 'Return to school plan'.
Students cannot be suspended for more than 5 school days at a time. They cannot be suspended for more than 15 days in a school year without approval from us (the department).
If parents or carers have any concerns about the suspension process
You may ask your school for a copy of their 'Student engagement policy'. It may be on their website. This policy includes behaviour expectations for the school. You can use it to determine if your child has breached the expectations.
You can request a meeting with the principal at any point during a suspension process, even if the suspension has already been implemented.
You cannot appeal a suspension. If you have concerns, you should immediately talk to the school principal.
If you feel your concerns were not addressed by the principal, you can contact a community liaison officer at your nearest regional office.
If you feel the community liaison officer did not resolve the issue, you can write to the regional director for your area.
To access contact information for Victorian government schools, refer to the department's complaint page.
What happens after the suspension ends
Once the suspension has ended, your child will be given support to return to school.
If your child has been suspended for 3 or more school days, we recommend holding a student support group. The meeting includes the school, you and your child.
You can also request a meeting if you feel your child needs additional support when returning to school. The support can be to address any behaviour that may have caused the suspension.
In the meeting you will talk about:
- the 'Student absence learning plan' and the school work completed during the suspension
- the strategies needed to help your child’s educational, social and emotional needs – strategies can be in or out of the school
- the responsibilities for you, your child, the school staff and other professionals to support these strategies.
Types of suspensions
Immediate suspensions
Immediate suspensions happen if behaviour is so serious it puts the health and safety of the student, other students, or school staff at risk.
What parents or carers need to do
If the principal determines an immediate suspension is appropriate, school staff should attempt to notify you immediately. You will also need to collect your child as soon as is practical.
If they cannot contact you or your child can’t be collected, the principal will arrange for your child to be supervised until the end of the school day or activity.
Even though the time frames for immediate suspension are different, the process is the same as regular suspension. The principal must make sure your child has been heard and their circumstances are considered.
In-school suspensions
An in-school suspension means a student stays on school grounds but does not attend class. They will be supervised.
This may include:
- pairing the student up with an experienced teacher or staff member for the day. The student goes with that teacher to classes
- participating in a work-based in-school suspension. For example, working outdoors or preparing learning materials
- a dedicated area where students can complete their in-school suspension under supervision.
It may also take on a different form depending on the school and circumstances. The process for in-school suspensions is the same and you should receive the same notification and documentation.
Get advice and support from us
You can ask to speak to a community liaison officer about support for yourself or your child, by contacting your nearest regional office.
You can read the Suspensions policy(opens in a new window) for schools.
You can download the information on this page as a PDF or Word document:
Information for parents and carers about school suspensions (PDF, 328KB)
Information for parents and carers about school suspensions (RTF, 117KB)
Get advice and support from other organisations
Parentline Victoria
- Phone 13 22 89 – 8am to midnight, 7 days a week
- Visit the Parentline website(opens in a new window) – provides a state-wide telephone counselling service to parents and carers of children aged from birth to 18 years.
Parents Victoria
- Phone (03) 9380 2158 or 1800 032 023 (rural callers only)
- Visit Parents Victoria(opens in a new window).
Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc.
Child and adolescent mental health services
Children’s Protection Society
Australian Childhood Foundation
Victorian Council of School Organisations
Victorian Multicultural Commission