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Changing schools

Information to help you enrol your child in a school, transfer between Victorian government schools and tips to help your child with the move.

Every school has their own way of enrolling or transferring students.

You should speak to your child's new school in advance to find out their process and if they have any restrictions.

Moving between government schools in Victoria

If your child is moving between Victorian government schools, the old school will send information to the new school. This is called a transfer note. The note will include:

  • your child's name
  • address
  • emergency contact details
  • medical conditions
  • academic records
  • any requirements or adjustments they need.

What to give to the new school

Even if you're moving interstate or overseas, it's useful for your child's new school to see things like:

  • school reports
  • examples of your child's work.

This will help the school make the move as smooth as possible.

Help your child with the move

Changing schools is a big step for most children. They leave behind familiar settings and enter a new environment.

To help your child, you can:

  • involve them as much as possible when choosing the new school
  • ask them how they feel about the new school
  • show them around the school before their first day
  • meet with their new teachers
  • talk about their first day at the new school
  • keep in contact with their friends from the old school
  • look for ways to meet parents and children from the new school.
