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Travelling to school

How your child travels to school will depend on where you live, how far away the school is and how old your child is.

You're responsible for getting your child to school and home again. We recommend checking the transport options in your area before you enrol in a school.

We can give support if:

  • you're in regional or rural Victoria
  • your child has a disability or additional needs.

Public transport

Some children are more ready to travel on their own than others. Before your child is ready they need to know:

  • what's around them and what's safe
  • how to look after their belongings
  • how to ask for help if they need it
  • how to use a mobile phone if they have one.

It's a good idea to do a test run or two to see how your child handles the trip. It's also important that they want to travel this way.

Your child can get discounted travel through a child myki card or a Victorian Student Pass. See Public Transport Victoria's (PTV) school students page(opens in a new window) for how to apply.

Walking and riding

Walking or riding to school with your child is a great way to start the day. You can use the time to talk about what's happening at school and reinforce road safety.

Some schools have walking groups where parents and children walk to school together.

Read about pedestrian safety(opens in a new window) and bicycle safety(opens in a new window) at the Raising Children Network.

By car

It's important you and your child are aware of general car safety(opens in a new window) and driveway safety(opens in a new window).

Make sure your child is using the right restraint or booster seat(opens in a new window).

Allow plenty of time to drop off and pick up your child so that you are calm and relaxed, not in a rush.

Respect the speed limits, road markings and parking signs around your school.

Help with the cost of travel if you're in rural or regional Victoria

If you live more than 4.8km from your closest school you can apply for the conveyance allowance.

This is a payment towards the cost of transporting your child to school by public transport, car or school bus. The payment is a contribution and does not cover the full cost of transport.

You must meet certain criteria to be eligible for the conveyance allowance. Speak to your school first to check and get an application form. You can also read the conveyance allowance information given to schools(opens in a new window).

School bus program for rural and regional Victoria

The Department of Education and Training runs a school bus network in rural and regional Victoria.

If your child is eligible, they can travel for free. Otherwise you need to pay a fare.

The current fare is $125 per term or $500 for the year.

School bus program eligibility guide

There are different categories that decide if your child is eligible for free travel. Speak to your school for more information or read the eligibility guide below.

Application forms

Use these application forms to apply for the school bus program. We recommend speaking to your school first. They can give advice and help you fill in the forms.

You can also read the school bus program information(opens in a new window) given to schools.

Students with a disability

You can get help with travel if your child goes to their designated government specialist school.

Support may include:

  • a contribution towards your transport costs
  • access to a travel education program
  • access to a mainstream school bus
  • access to a specialist school transport service
  • an alternative transport solution.

Your child must:

  • meet the criteria for the program for students with disabilities
  • live in the designated transport area of their specialist school
  • be enrolled at the school for three or more days each week
  • live in Victoria and be 5 to 18 years old.

Speak to your specialist school first. They can talk to you about what options are available.

You can also read the transport information given to specialist schools(opens in a new window).

Special consideration and appeals

You can apply for special consideration or appeal a transport decision we have made.

You must apply through your school. They will help you complete the application.

In most cases we will consider the application and let your school know the outcome within 15 working days.

If the request is complex, the Transport Special Case Consideration Panel will review. The panel meets 6 times each year. In most cases the panel will let your school know the outcome about three weeks after they've met.

You can read the special consideration information given to schools(opens in a new window). It includes the dates the panel will meet.
