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Applying for registration

Information about how to register as a community housing agency in Victoria.

This page outlines the application process to become a registered housing agency from the enquiry stage, through to registration application, registration decision, and the ongoing compliance and reporting requirements.

Application registration process

  • Blue number one icon

    Enquiry stage

    Check your organisation meets the general eligibility criteria, review the Performance Standards, complete the pre-registration form and meet with the Housing Registrar.

  • Blue number two icon

    Registration application stage

    Submit your registration application, provide additional information as required and agree to Regulatory Action Items.

  • Blue tick icon

    Registration decision

    A registration decision will typically be made within 4 weeks of a fully completed application being submitted.

  • Blue number three icon

    Ongoing compliance and reporting

    Satisfy ongoing compliance and reporting requirements.

Note: Estimated timeframes are indicative only and will vary based on the completeness, quality and timeliness of information provided by the applicant. Additional time may be required to assess more complex applications.

1. Enquiry stage

Estimated timeframe
  • Check that your organisation meets the general eligibility criteria for registration, noting the requirements for your organisation’s constitution or rules to include certain objects, powers and additional provisions.
  • Review the Performance Standards. If you identify any requirements that your organisation might not currently meet, make a note of these to discuss with us.
  • Complete the pre-registration form.
Formal enquiry date
  • We will assess the pre-registration information and contact you for an initial meeting to discuss details of your organisation and the next steps in the registration process.
Enquiry date + 1 week
  • We will invite you to commence a registration application by providing access to our Community Housing Information Management and Engagement System(opens in a new window) (CHiMES) and Registration Supplement Form (Excel template).
  • Your organisation may find that it does not have all the requested information for a registration application. This might be the case if your organisation is not currently operating housing and/or is setting up a new legal entity (e.g. subsidiary) to seek registration. If this is the case, we advise completing a preliminary, 'first pass' review of the Registration Supplemental Form to identify current evidence gaps. This can then be used to facilitate a discussion with us to determine whether the gaps will need to be addressed, and evidence provided, as part of your registration application or whether they can be deferred and addressed post-registration.
Enquiry date + 2 weeks

2. Registration application stage

ActionEstimated timeframe
  • We will assess your organisation’s constitution or rules for compliance with the general eligibility criteria.
  • Feedback is provided – if amendments to the constitution or rules are identified by our legal team you are invited to re-submit an amended constitution or rules.
  • A compliant constitution or rules, reviewed by our legal team and approved by your organisation’s governing body, must be included with your completed registration application.
Constitution submission date + 2 weeks
  • Submit your registration application, including the:
    • Online form on CHiMES
    • Registration Supplemental form (Excel template).
  • The CHiMES online form is used to collect agency details and asset data, and allows you to upload documents that will be retained in the CHiMES Document Library after registration.
Application submission date
  • We will assess the application and evidence and request further evidence if needed.
  • We will organise meetings with you to discuss evidence provided and to agree on Regulatory Action Items that address evidence gaps. Regulatory Action Items are designed to drive continuous improvement of your organisation’s compliance and performance after registration.
Application submission date + 2-3 weeks
  • We will make a final decision on your organisation’s application.
  • Successful applicants will be sent a certificate of registration and final Regulatory Action Items.
  • Unsuccessful applicants will be advised in writing with a full explanation of the reasons for our decision. Unsuccessful applicants may apply to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (within 28 days) for review of our decision.
Application submission date + 4 weeks

3. Ongoing compliance and reporting requirements

We will undertake ongoing regulatory engagement with your registered agency to monitor and assess your compliance and performance under the Housing Act 1983 (Vic).

Compliance requirements

Your organisation’s compliance obligations after becoming a registered agency.

Compliance RequirementsDescription
Public RegisterRegistered agencies must notify the Housing Registrar within 28 days if there is any change to their information recorded in the Register of Housing Agencies (Public Register(opens in a new window)).
Performance StandardsRegistered agencies must continue to comply with the Performance Standards.
Complaints managementRegistered agencies must establish a complaints procedure for tenants and prospective tenants, take all reasonable steps to resolve a complaint within 30 days of receipt, and maintain a complaints register that is available for inspection by the Housing Registrar.
Investigations and intervention

Registered agencies identified as non-compliant and that do not demonstrate commitment to resolving identified issue(s) may be subject to formal investigation or intervention.

In these circumstances, registered agencies must cooperate with the investigation. We may also consider using our intervention powers, which involve instructing the registered agency to take a specific action in response to identified issue(s).

Other requirements

Registered agencies must:

  • Submit reports and declarations to the Housing Registrar on an annual basis
  • Notify the Housing Registrar of any proposed changes to the constitution 28 days in advance
  • Notify the Housing Registrar of any event that has or may have an adverse impact on a registered agencies compliance.

Reporting requirements

Your organisation’s reporting obligations after becoming a registered agency.

Reporting RequirementsDescription
Annual Reporting

Registered agencies must submit annually:

  • Key performance measures (KPMs)
  • Annual business plan for the upcoming year
  • Financial Performance Report (FPR) showing historical and projected financial performance
  • Self-assessed Performance Against Performance Standards report
  • Audited financial statements
  • Declarations under s106 of the Act.
Other Reporting

Registered agencies must also submit (as applicable):

  • Notifications of changes to constitution or rules
  • New or updated policies and procedures
  • Notification of changes to land interests
  • Notification of intention to wind up
  • Any other operational reports or information requested by the Housing Registrar.
Reportable EventsA Reportable Event is any event that has or may have an adverse impact on a registered agency’s compliance. Registered agencies must notify the Housing Registrar of Reportable Events as soon as practicable.
