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Request a user account and access training for

Learn about and access the content management system for and other Single Digital Presence websites.

Single Digital Presence (SDP) operates on a distributed authoring model.

This means content owners update their own information using the content management system (CMS) and publish it onto sites such as and others that use SDP's technology.

The CMS is built using an open-source software platform, Drupal, and managed by the Department of Government Services through the SDP program.

How to access the CMS

The following request form is for CMS users. Check whether your website or site section is included in the CMS or an independent SDP site.

To gain access to an independent SDP website, contact the department's publishing team.

Request an account

Submit a CMS user request

We'll create your account within 24 hours.

You'll be emailed a single-use link that will allow you to access your CMS user account and set up a secure password.

Complete the training activities

You'll be asked to complete updates to a training page in the CMS. Each activity will include online instructions to help you complete each task.

Attend the welcome to Single Digital Presence webinar

We'll invite you to this webinar once your CMS account is created and you have been added to the Microsoft Teams community.

What's next?

Request CMS publishing access

Departments and agencies are responsible for publishing their own content.

You can complete publishing queue training if you:

  • have completed the editor training
  • are working in a Victorian government digital team responsible for a Single Digital Presence publishing queue.

Complete publishing queue training


Digital training for Victorian public servants

Digital Victoria runs regular workshops, resources and networks to improve operations, work collaboratively with partners and develop a workforce skilled for the future, now.