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About Recycling Victoria

Recycling Victoria provides leadership and oversight of waste and resource recovery services to support the circular economy.

Strengthening Victoria’s waste and recycling system

Recycling Victoria's purpose is to strengthen Victoria's waste and recycling system. It aims to increase the reliability and transparency of the sector and maximise the ongoing use of products and materials that would otherwise be waste.

Getting value from materials that would be waste reduces:

  • landfill
  • greenhouse gas
  • pollution.

It helps combat climate change and it is key to building a sustainable and thriving circular economy.

Recycling Victoria will oversee statewide waste and recycling systems. It will collect data and report on waste and resource recovery to enable strategic planning for a better and more reliable system.

Providing a streamlined and integrated approach to address waste and recycling challenges, Recycling Victoria has a strong focus on statewide and regional market stabilisation.

Recycling Victoria is a business unit within the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.

A strong regional focus and presence

Recycling Victoria has offices and representation across Victoria.

Staff from the former Victorian Waste and Resource Recovery Groups (WRRGs) are part of Recycling Victoria. Recycling Victoria benefits from their experience, regional knowledge and regional presence.

Local, regional and rural community knowledge is at the core of Recycling Victoria.

Advisory Committees with regional representation will be established to inform and advise the Minister and Head, Recycling Victoria on its operations.

Recycling Victoria’s Charter of Engagement will detail how Recycling Victoria will consult and engage with councils, Alpine Resorts Victoria, industry, regional communities and Traditional Owners.

The waste and recycling sector will gain from Recycling Victoria’s coordinated, evidence-based and strategic statewide view.

For a sustainable and thriving circular economy

Recycling Victoria is helping deliver on the Victorian Government’s transformative circular economy plan, Recycling Victoria: a new economy.

The plan steps out the systemic change that’s needed to cut waste and boost recycling and reuse of our precious resources. This is the plan for a cleaner, greener Victoria with less waste and pollution, more jobs and a sustainable and thriving circular economy.

Strategic priorities

Priority What we will do
Engagement Consultation and engagement with councils, Alpine Resorts Victoria, industry, regional communities, and Traditional Owners.

Development of a Charter of Engagement.

Establishment of Advisory Committees to inform and advise the Minister and Head of Recycling Victoria on operations.

Working with portfolio and regulatory partners to ensure clarity of roles and responsibilities and a coordinated approach to stakeholder engagement.

Strategic procurement Supporting best practice procurement and contract management by councils, Alpine Resorts Victoria, and service providers.

Development of a Strategic Procurement Framework outlining how Recycling Victoria will support councils to procure waste and resource recovery services to meet circular economy objectives.

Data and insights Development of a centralised data and information hub.
Schemes and standards Preparation to administer future waste and recycling schemes and standards*
  • Container deposit scheme
  • Municipal waste and recycling standards
  • Waste to Energy

*Enforcement obligations are subject to making standards and regulations under the Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021. Councils and industry will be advised as these are developed and in advance of the commencement of compliance and enforcement requirements.

Building our organisation Shape the direction, culture and operating model for Recycling Victoria.

Commence development of the Recycling Victoria Strategic Plan.
