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2018 Employer Satisfaction Survey

Improving outcomes for Victorian employers of apprentices and trainees

Below are highlights from the 2018 Victorian Skills Authority Employer Satisfaction Survey.

Visit our Employer Satisfaction Survey page for the most recent results and find out more about the Victorian Skills Authority annual survey program.

Downloadable 2018 survey highlights

Download the survey highlights as a PDF.

Employer Satisfaction Survey infographic 2018
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2018 Employer Satisfaction Survey highlights
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Accessible 2018 survey highlights

The Employer Satisfaction Survey invites Victorian employers of apprentices and trainees across all regions and industries to share their views of the training provided by specific registered training organisations (RTOs).

The survey asks employers about their satisfaction with training delivery and RTO communication, and whether training improved the skills of their apprentices and trainees.

The survey results are used to improve the quality of vocational education and training (VET) in Victoria and to help Victorian employers have the right people with the right skills.

In 2018, the survey invited around 30,000 Victorian employers to participate and achieved a strong response rate of 35.9%.

The statistics below reflect the views of employers of apprentices and trainees with selected aspects of their training experience in 2017.

Overall employer satisfaction with training

were satisfied with their RTO's training
would recommend their RTO

Employers of apprentices

were satisfied with their RTO's training
would recommend their RTO

Employers of trainees

were satisfied with their RTO's training
would recommend their RTO

Employer level of satisfaction with skills improvement

Technical or job specific skills
Teamwork skills
Problem-solving skills
Decision-making skills

Employer satisfaction with teaching quality

said RTO staff were knowledgeable and experienced
said training reflected up-to-date practice in the industry or sector

Employer satisfaction with training delivery

were satisfied with the standard of assessment
were satisfied that their RTO's training plan met workplace needs
