The Victorian Skills Authority has established a partnership(opens in a new window) with the Australasian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA(opens in a new window)). The partnership aims to inform policy activity with relevant research evidence, build policy translation capability within the VET research community and build connections with VET researchers. This in turn aims to create expanded opportunities for applied VET researchers to engage directly with policymakers and influence policy development.
Research insights projects
Through the partnership, AVETRA and the VSA support VET researchers to produce research insights. These insights explore a range of topic areas aligned with the strategic objectives and priorities of the VET system in Victoria. They seek to synthesise existing research to enable policymakers to apply current knowledge and international best practice into their work for the VET sector.
How to get involved
AVETRA is Australasia’s only independent association for research in vocational education and training. AVETRA brings together research stakeholders and researchers from the TAFE, university, industry and government sectors and is committed to building the capability and networks of new and mid-career practitioners and established researchers.
Visit the AVETRA website(opens in a new window) for more information on how to get involved in research insights projects.
Disclaimer: The Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) provides financial support to the Australasian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA) under a grant agreement to support AVETRA members’ research activities. Although the VSA has provided financial support for this research, the research produced is not a statement of Victorian Government policy. The Victorian Government provides no endorsement of the research’s content, findings or conclusions. By sharing this research, VSA makes no representation about the Victorian Government’s intention to implement any conclusions or findings identified in the research.