Provided your organisation is eligible to apply (see Applicant Eligibility) your application for a Bushfire Recovery Grant for Aboriginal Communities will be assessed against the following:
- how well it meets the five key selection criteria set out below, and
- whether you demonstrate all application requirements and provide all the required documentation
1. Purpose
Applicants must provide an explanation of how their project will deliver direct benefit to a bushfire affected community and supports one or more of the objectives of this funding:
- valuing and respecting Aboriginal culture
- addressing Aboriginal trauma and supporting healing
- promoting Aboriginal cultural safety, and
- promoting Aboriginal ownership, resilience and participation
2. Aboriginal community participation
Applicants must demonstrate how the project will:
- be Aboriginal community or Traditional Owner led, and
- promote Aboriginal employment and the potential for future wellbeing and economic development initiatives
3. Location
Applicants must demonstrate that their project will occur in bushfire affected area and describe how the bushfires directly impacted on their community.
As of June 2020, the following Local Government Areas and Alpine Resorts are in scope:
Local Government Areas:
Ararat, Alpine, Ballarat, East Gippsland, Glenelg, Golden Plains, Greater Bendigo, Indigo, Mansfield, Moyne, Northern Grampians, Pyrenees, Southern Grampians, Strathbogie, Towong, Wangaratta, Wellington and Wodonga
Alpine Resorts:
Falls Creek, Mount Buller, Mount Hotham and Mount Stirling
4. Planning and delivery
Applicants must provide a clear explanation on how the project will be undertaken and the anticipate completion date.
5. Budget
Applicants must provide evidence to show that:
- costs are accurate and reasonable
- include any in kind or co-contribution funding support
Further mandatory requirements
Applications must outline how the proposed project(s) will comply with the Victorian COVID-19 restrictions and requirements.
Applications must comply with any other legal requirements (e.g. Aboriginal Heritage Act 2008 (Vic), an agreement or equivalent made under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (Vic) or Native Title Act 1983 (Cth); local planning laws)