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Bushfire recovery grants for Aboriginal communities

Grants for Aboriginal communities affected by the 2019-20 Victorian Bushfires to support the recovery of cultural heritage across Country and fund projects that can build community connection and resilience.

Bushfire recovery grants for Aboriginal communities

Who can apply:
Not-for-profit groups
$0 - $500,000

The Bushfire Recovery Grants for Aboriginal Communities will support Aboriginal community or Traditional Owner led projects that value and respect Aboriginal culture, address trauma, support healing and promote cultural safety, ownership, resilience and participation.

Successful applicants

The successful applicants of the grant program include: 

  • Moogji Aboriginal Council East Gippsland Inc
  • Nindi Ngujarn Ngarigo Monero Aboriginal Corporation
  • Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation
  • Gippsland & East Gippsland Aboriginal Cooperative Ltd
  • Lake Tyers Health and Children Services
  • Lakes Entrance Aboriginal Health Association
  • Taungurung Land and Waters Council
  • Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust.
  • Timeline

    15 July to 23 August 2020

