The Parliamentary Inquiry into responses to historical forced adoption in Victoria
Launched in 2019, the Parliamentary Inquiry into responses to historical forced adoption in Victoria (the Inquiry) explored the support services and responses provided to the people in our community who endured the past practice of forced adoption going back several decades.
On 10 March 2022, the Victorian Government tabled its response to the Parliamentary Inquiry into responses to historical forced adoption in Victoria.
The response can be viewed on the Parliament of Victoria website.
You can also view the Inquiry’s report, tabled in Parliament on 8 September 2021
Official apologies for forced adoption
Both the Commonwealth and Victorian governments have issued official apologies for their involvement in these practices, recognising the profound harm and trauma inflicted upon families.
Past adoption practices
Forced adoption refers to past practices that forcibly separated mothers and their babies. Not all these practices resulted in adoption.
Victorian Government’s response to the Inquiry
Forced adoption refers to past practices that forcibly separated mothers and their babies.