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Support for people affected by past adoption

The effects of past adoption practices, including the trauma of forced adoption, can last a lifetime. Counselling, mental health services and advocacy resources are designed to offer practical and emotional support to those who need it most.

If you or someone you know has been affected by forced adoption, we encourage you to use this resource to find the support and assistance you need.


VANISH provides professional, confidential search and support services to people affected by adoption. Their staff often have a personal experience of separation and adoption. They can offer understanding and support with empathy and respect, to adopted people, mothers, fathers, and other relatives.

In response to the inquiry, the Victorian Government committed to an uplift in post-adoption services. Read more about the implementation of the Victorian Government’s response to the inquiry into responses to historical forced adoption in Victoria (the inquiry).

As part of this uplift, the Victorian Government committed to continue funding VANISH from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2029 to deliver services to assist people with searching for family members and forced adoption training for support professionals.

Adoption Information Service

Adoption information Services assist people to find records that were created at the time of the adoption or to locate family from whom they have been separated by the adoption. Learn more about applying for adoption information. If someone affected by adoption is seeking support, Adoption information Services can also advise them of appropriate services.

Relationships Australia

The Forced Adoption Support Service provides a range of services that support mothers, fathers, adopted persons and other family members affected by forced adoption practices. It also provides funding for projects that support people affected by forced adoption.

Link-Up Victoria, Connecting Home and Koorie Heritage Trust support members of the Stolen Generations and their descendants to reconnect with family, culture and community.

Find a psychologist

Find a psychologist who has listed ‘adoption’ as an area of practice through the Australian Psychological Society.

VANISH also maintains a register of counsellors and psychologists who have knowledge of separation and adoption issues and experience working with this client group.

Other support services

Aged Care providers with specialist care

The Australian Government is rolling out training for aged care providers to specialise in Forced Adoption. Search for providers who specialise in forced adoption.
