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Aboriginal Community Mitigation and Crisis Management Grants

To address unmet needs in strengthening Aboriginal communities’ resilience against natural disasters.

Aboriginal Community Mitigation and Crisis Management Grants

Who can apply:
Not-for-profit groups

The Aboriginal Community Mitigation and Crisis Management funding seeks to address unmet needs in strengthening Aboriginal communities’ resilience against natural disasters.

  • Aboriginal communities still lack culturally safe crisis management plans that can help to ensure culturally appropriate responses to bushfire crises, so funding is needed to support future bushfire mitigation and planning strategies.
  • The sector requires further support to address the increased pressure on Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) and their staff to deliver recovery programs for the 2019-20 Eastern Victorian fires and prepare for future bushfires.
  • There is a need to ensure that communications between Government departments, agencies, ACCOs and other community stakeholders are streamlined and consistent.

The program has two streams, which will be disbursed on a competitive basis.

Stream 1: Crisis management, mitigation and planning

Grants of up to $450,000 are available to support Aboriginal organisations with readiness to develop and implement disaster crisis planning and mitigation initiatives on bushfire-affected Country.

Examples of projects that may be funded in this stream are:

  • pre-bushfire season planning and mitigation works
  • public safety initiatives
  • bushfire crisis mitigation/management training and capacity building for Traditional Owners
  • bushfire crisis mitigation/management training and capacity building for Aboriginal communities.

Stream 2: Improved Aboriginal infrastructure to better prepare for future emergency events

Grants of up to $1 million are available for projects that address the structural needs of bushfire-affected Aboriginal communities.

Examples of projects that may be funded in this stream are:

  • rebuilding/reparation/replacement works on bushfire-affected Aboriginal infrastructural assets
  • construction of new, or the upgrade of currently dilapidated, local emergency shelters and facilities
  • restoration of community kitchens, emergency water supply and sewage management facilities, to safeguard their ability to remain operational during a disaster event/throughout the bushfire crisis
  • fire-proofing existing community-gathering spaces to protect against fire risks.

Successful Recipients

Congratulations to the Aboriginal Community Mitigation and Crisis Management grant recipients who share in $2.4 million to strengthen Aboriginal communities’ resilience against natural disasters.

Projects funded include:

  • Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation to use cultural burning to protect cultural assets, better manage Country and minimise the impact of future bushfires
  • Duduroa Dhargal Aboriginal Corporation to build existing traditional fire knowledge and undertake work to protect ancestral lands and lessen the impact of future bushfires
  • Gippsland and East Gippsland Aboriginal Cooperative Ltd for renovations to create a dedicated emergency response centre
  • Taungurung Land and Waters Council Aboriginal Corporation to conduct cultural heritage and fire inspections, repatriate artefacts and manage fire affected scar trees
  • Moogji Aboriginal Council East Gippsland Inc to create a space to learn from Elders for the benefit of local communities and environments
  • Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation to revitalise their head office to improve community connection with the site.
  • Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation, Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust and Lake Tyers community to deliver the Lake Tyers Emergency Relief Centre project

