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Department of Transport and Planning - Procurement

Learn about procurement at the Department of Transport and Planning.

The procurement of goods and services by the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) aligns with the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB)(opens in a new window) policies and directives established under the Financial Management Act 1994.

On 1 January 2023, DoT was renamed the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP).

Procurement at DTP is a strategic, commercially focused, and value-adding function that is aligned with the overall departmental purpose of creating “simple, safe, connected journeys”.

The objective of DTP procurement is to partner with the business and suppliers to provide commercial advice and drive value for money and customer-focused outcomes as part of the procurement process.

Submitting a tender

Buying for Victoria(opens in a new window) is a Victorian Government tenders system where tenders are advertised and potential suppliers can respond electronically through the eLodgement system.

Suppliers interested in participating in any of the public procurement activities should register as a user for the Victorian Government tenders system(opens in a new window) to set up email notifications for tender opportunities.

Forward procurement activity plan

The VGPB’s governance policy(opens in a new window) requires departments to publish a high-level summary of planned procurement activities to be conducted over the next 24 months.

This plan provides potential suppliers with an overview of the types of procurement activities (goods and services only) that the department may undertake over this period.

Available to download below is the Department of Transport and Planning forward procurement activity plan that is updated annually and was last updated on 30 August 2024.

Please note that:

  • all planned procurement activities are subject to revision or cancellation. The information in the forward procurement activity plan is provided for information purposes only and does not represent a solicitation or invitation to supply, or a commitment by the department to purchase.
  • tenders will not be released on this website. All tenders will be issued on the Victorian Government tenders system(opens in a new window) and suppliers interested in participating in any of the public procurement activities should regularly monitor the Tenders Vic website(opens in a new window).
  • the date listed in the procurement activity plan is when the department is commencing its preparations for the procurement activity and the actual tender release date may be some time after the date listed.
Procurement nameThe opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)Special requirementsEstimated contract durationEstimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective) International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/NoPoint of contact
Procurement name
Engagement of timber pile repair contractor
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Engagement of a timber pile repair contractor to remove identified failing piles within Princes Pier's "Forest of Piles"
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
6 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Selective Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Strategic Subject Matter Expert (SME) Advice for 2028 Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts (MBSC)
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Engagement of Commercial & Operational SME in Victorian bus industry to provide Strategic advice to the State to recontract the 2028 MBSC and the implementation of Zero Emission Buses.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
6 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Commercial and Financial Advisor for 2028 Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts (MBSC)
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Engagement of a Commercial and Financial Advisor to support the 2028 MBSC procurement and implementation of Zero Emission Buses.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Legal Advisor for 2028 Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts (MBSC)
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Engagement of a Legal Advisor to support the 2028 MBSC procurement and implementation of Zero Emission Buses.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Technical Advisor for 2028 Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts (MBSC)
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Engagement of a Technical Advisor to support the 2028 MBSC procurement and implementation of Zero Emission Buses.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Bus Operations Subject Matter Expert (SME) for 2028 Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts (MBSC)
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Engagement of a Bus Operations SME to support the 2028 MBSC procurement and implementation of Zero Emission Buses .
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Bus Scheduling Software
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Bus Scheduling Software
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Selective Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Project Commercial Advisor
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Engagement of a Commercial and Financial Advisor to support the ITS Maintenance Procurement Strategy project
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Project Technical Advisor
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Engagement of a Technical Advisor to support the ITS Maintenance Procurement Strategy project
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
6-12 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Selective Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Project Legal Services Advisor
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Engagement of a Legal Services Advisor to support the ITS Maintenance Procurement Strategy project
Special requirements
Legal Service Panel
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
State Purchase Contract
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Project Legal Advisor
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Engagement of a Legal Services Advisor to support a review of the internal provider road maintenance model
Special requirements
Legal Service Panel
Estimated contract duration
6 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
State Purchase Contract
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Victorian Transport Digital Engineering (VTDE) Advisory Services � Consolidation of Roads Asset Management Systems
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Advice on VTDE Roads implementation
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q4 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Geographic Information System (GIS) Development Services
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Strategic advice on GIS platform
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q4 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Instructional Design Services - Victorian Transport Digital Engineering (VTDE) Program
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Training services for VTDE program. The project will be fully deploying the rail and bus asset information plus addressing 30 road asset information systems, aiming to consolidate all DTP asset data into a unified system for informed, data-driven decision-making.
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q4 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Asset Information Requirements Definition
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Strategic advice on Asset Information Requirements
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q4 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
ArcGIS software Implementation Services
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Roads Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - software implementation services and integration services for the ArcGIS software within the Assets Replacement project,
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q4 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Change Management Services for the Victorian Transport Digital Engineering (VTDE) program
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Training services for VTDE program. The project will be fully deploying the rail and bus asset information plus addressing 30 road asset information systems, aiming to consolidate all DTP asset data into a unified system for informed, data-driven decision-making.
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q4 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Project Delivery Services for the Victorian Transport Digital Engineering (VTDE) program
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Training services for VTDE program. The project will be fully deploying the rail and bus asset information plus addressing 30 road asset information systems, aiming to consolidate all DTP asset data into a unified system for informed, data-driven decision-making.
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q4 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
System Integration for Roads Applications into Victorian Transport Digital Engineering (VTDE)
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
System Integration for Roads Applications into Victorian Transport Digital Engineering (VTDE)
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q4 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Security Operations Center (SOC) Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Security monitoring services for DTP's hybrid Security Operation Centre
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Standing Offer Agreement - Information Technology (IT) Security Consultancy services
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Standing Offer Agreement - IT Security Consultancy services
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
2 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Cyber Simulation Panel
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Cyber Simulation Activities
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
2 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Public Transport Ticketing Customer Insights
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Research and Insights required to measure impacts of the new ticketing system
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
To be advised
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Proposal, selective (To be confirmed)
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Public Transport Ticketing - Customer service support (myki mates)
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Provision of on the ground agency staff to support Customer Migration during Pilots and Go-Live
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
To be advised
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Proposal, selective (To be confirmed)
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Public Transport Ticketing Banking Services Retender
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Retendering Public Transport Ticketing Banking Services provider as per expiry of the Banking SPC
Special requirements
Banking and financial services State Purchase Contract
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q4 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
State Purchase Contract
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Public Transport Ticketing Retail Service Provider
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Ticketing Retail Service Provider
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
To be confirmed
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Escrow Agent
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Provision for an Escrow Agent, that will receive, store and release source code and other critical materials to support the Public Transport Ticketing solution
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
8 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Proposal, selective (To be confirmed)
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Public Transport Ticketing Audit Services
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Ticketing system integrity audit (ASAE3000) and revenue sharing (ASAE 3100) annual audit services for Audit, Risk and Integrity Committee Report
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Proposal, selective
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Brand Monitor
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Survey of Industry Brands
Special requirements
Marketing Services Register
Estimated contract duration
3 Years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote via State Purchase Contract (SPC)
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Fare Compliance Survey
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Survey of Fare Compliance
Special requirements
Marketing Services Register
Estimated contract duration
3 Years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote via State Purchase Contract (SPC)
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Stakeholder Relationship Management platform
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
A digital database to record, store and report on stakeholder engagement interactions and data, for internal use.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Customer Experience Strategy
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
A holistic customer strategy to deliver Journey Maps. Customer Experience Standards within each touchpoint. Communication Method for Customer Experience Standards. Measurement of Customer Experience Standards
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote, Selective
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Customer Standards
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Updating outdated standards.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
2 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote, Selective
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Youth Transport Strategy
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Development of strategy for DTP to engage young people and attract onto public transport.
Special requirements
Professional Advisory Services State Purchase Contract
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote via State Purchase Contract (SPC)
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Voice of Customer
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Technology to analyse unsolicited and unstructured feedback across multiple sources regarding the Customer Experience with transport across Victoria.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Social Media Platform Procurement 2024
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Social media management platform that is able to publish, monitor, respond and report on multiple channels by multiple users on a single platform
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
DTP Intranet � Support contract and licencing agreement
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
User licencing for key intranet and personalisation functionality, and annual support contract for DTP intranet
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
2 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Selective Request for Proposal
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Media Monitoring
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
The Supplier will deliver comprehensive Media Monitoring, Media Analysis, and Daily Email Reporting services
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
2 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Process Documentation Software
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
To procure Process Management Software licences
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3+ years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Robotics Process Automation software
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Robotic Process Automation licenses to support departmental bots
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Robotic Processing Automation services
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Robotic Process Automation bot development and ongoing BOT support
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Implementation of office audit findings
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Provision of repairs and maintenance at DTP office sites across the State
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Managed Service Support for Content Manager
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Managed Service Support for Content Manager
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Accommodation and Workplace Services (AWS) Managed Portfoliowide Security Risk Assessment
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Conduct security review of all AWS managed sites in portfolio, including adhoc sites as necessary.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Transport Infringements - Print Management Services
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Print Management Services
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
State Purchase Contract
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Transport infringements - Post services
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Mail management
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
State Purchase Contract
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Depot Audit and Assurance Program
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Various projects across the State including the construction of washbays, Triple Interceptor Traps and the provision of chemical audits, environmental audits and safe roof access audits.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Proposal
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Risk Management System
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Risk Management System software, including configuration, licensing and ongoing application support and maintenance.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
To be confirmed
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
To be confirmed
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Business Continuity Software
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Business Continuity software to support the implementation of Business Continuity processes
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 + 2 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Indigenous Data Sovereignty
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Engage a First Peoples business to develop a DTP data sovereignty policy, principles and implementation plan.
Special requirements
First Peoples owned
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
To be advised
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Health, Safety & Wellbeing Management System
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
A system for the Health, Safety & Wellbeing Management System documentation (Codesafe or similar)
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 + 1 + 1 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Open Learning Platform
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
An online platform for staff to access a wide range of e-learning courses
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 + 1 + 1 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote, selective
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Senior Manager Leadership Program
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
A comprehensive leadership program for up to 50 participants
Special requirements
A member of the Organisational Development Consultant Panel
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote, selective
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Legal (Advice/ Representation)
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
General legal advice for workplace relations matters. Legal representation in tribunal courts etc
Special requirements
Legal Service Panel
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q4 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
State Purchase Contract
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Independent Medical Examination (IME) Reports
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
IME provider - Independent Medical Examination Reports
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 + 1 + 1 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Spinifex reporting solution
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
A reporting tool for VicGov People (VGP) employee payroll and HR system to facilitate progression from Nexus repository software system.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 + 1 + 1 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Enterprise Workforce Strategy
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Enterprise Workforce Strategy development
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote, selective
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Implement Internal Staff Mobility Platform
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Technology platform to support internal staff mobility
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote, selective
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
World Heritage Management Plan for the Victorian Goldfields
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Preparation of a World Heritage Management Plan for the Victorian Goldfields
Special requirements
DTP Prequalification Scheme for Transport and Planning Studies
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
State Purchase Contract
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Bass Coast Shire Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Brimbank City Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Buloke Shire Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Darebin City Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Glen Eira City Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Greater Geelong City Council (Joint with Queenscliffe) Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Hume City Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Maroondah City Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Mildura Rural City Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Merri-bek City Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Mornington Peninsula Shire Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Nillumbik City Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
South Gippsland Shire Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Swan Hill Rural City Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Wellington Shire Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Yarriambiack Shire Council Rating Contract
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) is seeking valuation services for the 2026, 2027 and 2028 General Valuation for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989, the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, within the Council district, to be made as at 1 January 2026, 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2028 and also for supplementary valuations for the purpose of the Windfall Gains Tax Act 2021.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
5 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Transfer of Land Act Fee Review
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Fees set under the Transfer of Land Act are due to be reset in 2026. A Regulatory Impact Statement must be prepared to support the reset. A consultant with relevant expertise is required to conduct an analysis and prepare the necessary documentation.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
6 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q4 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
To be confirmed
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
GPSnet Network RTK Positioning Software and Support Services
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Purchase of "off-the-shelf" positioning application software
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 + 1 + 1 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
GPSnet Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) Network Maintenance Services
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Provision of maintenance services (ad-hoc, annual and equipment life cycle replacement) to all 150 statewide CORS. In addition, supplier will be required to build new CORS and decommission or relocate existing CORS.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 + 1 + 1 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Planning and Environment Act - Legislative Impact Assessment
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Develop a Legislative Impact Assessment as required for the process of creating and amending legislation
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
6 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote, selective
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Real Estate and Facility Management Services
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
DTP will be seeking Real Estate and Property Services Provider to manage and maintain its freehold land portfolio. The successful applicant will need to ensure that DTP meets its obligations of a land/property owner whilst maintaining and driving commercial returns from its diverse land and property portfolio to the general market.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
4 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Planning Data Platform - Technical and Strategic Roadmap
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
To provide specialist services/advice on the technical and strategic roadmap for the development of a Planning Data Platform.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3-6 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender/Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Dynamics 365 Support & Maintenance
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Dynamics 365 Maintenance, Support and ad hoc services for OneView medical Review, Online Medical Report Portal, Permits & Events, Road Access Permits Portal and Accessible Parking Permit.
Special requirements
Dynamics 365 Partner status and Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
3 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Customer Pay/Accessibility Channel
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Online Pay & Accessibility Implementation Services for Public Transport Ticketing
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
1+1+1 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Proposal
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Geospatial Data Capture for Lower Mt Emu
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
LiDAR capture for Two Local Government Areas; Corangamite and Hopkins
Special requirements
SPC for Geospatial Data and Analytics Services
Estimated contract duration
6 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Website Workflow Monitoring and Cyber Security Services
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
To provide website cyber security and protection as a service across numerous DTP websites
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
3+1+1 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Spatial Services Support and Maintenance
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Support and maintenance for updated spatial systems
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
3+2+2 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
North East Link Project (NELP) WBS-8 ServicesStream
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Professional Services & Temporary Cable works for the North East Link Project (NELP) WBS-8
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
1 Year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
North East Link Project (NELP) WBS-8Cisco SFP for Temporary Works
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Network Peripherals for North East Link Project (NELP) Temporary connections
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
1 Year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Network & Communication Services for Intelligent Transport Systems
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
IE4000 Switch Rollout
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
1 Year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Electronic Speed Limit Sign (ESLS) for Intelligent Transport Systems
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Electronic Speed Limit Signs
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
1 Year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
SAN Refresh for Intelligent Transport Systems
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
HPE Nimble SAN refresh
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
1 Year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Two Way Radio Communications for Intelligent Transport Systems
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Two Way Radio Communications system for Incident Respond Services and Transport Operation Centre usage
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 Years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Tableau Software as a service (SaaS) licences for Planning users
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Tableau Software as a service (SaaS) licences for Planning users
Special requirements
Engagement through eServices Register (Digital Market Place)
Estimated contract duration
1+1+1 years
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Northern Growth Corridor Study - Land Use & Transport
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Consultancy requiring land use forecasting, trip generation assessments, modelling, design, project manage, GIS mapping, data collection
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
18 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
to be confirmed
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
City of Wyndham Traffic Management Action Plan - Phase 1
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Consultancy services to undertake options development, program development and involve multiple technical disciplines including safe systems, forecasting & modelling, geometric design, economics
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
6 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
City of Wyndham Traffic Management Action Plan - Phase 2
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Consultancy services to undertake project development to deliver against the preferred program identified in Phase 1
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q4 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Tender
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Traffic Management Interventions
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Engage a contractor to implement changes to the arterial road network following advice and recommendations from the traffic modelling project.
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
1 year
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Plan for Victoria design
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Consultancy services to prepare a Plan for Victoria - design
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
3 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Plan for Victoria
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Consultancy services to prepare a Plan for Victoria - copy
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
3 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q2 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Growing Suburbs Fund Evaluation
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Evaluation for the Growing Suburbs Fund.
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
3 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Sunshine Precinct project investment and expected benefits assessment
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Future project investment and expected benefits assessment
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
To be confirmed
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Sunshine Precinct - Concept Work
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Initial designs outlining project vision and objectives
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
To be confirmed
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Sunshine Precinct - Feasibility
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Assessment of project viability and potential challenges
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
To be confirmed
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Sunshine Precinct - Hydrology
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Study of water resources and drainage impacts
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
To be confirmed
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Sunshine Precinct - Transport
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Analysis of mobility and infrastructure requirements
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
To be confirmed
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Arden Precinct - Economic analysis
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Sector economic analysis
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
To be confirmed
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Arden Precinct - Planning
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Technical advice relating to development contributions plan in Arden
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
To be confirmed
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
To be advised
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Geelong Precinct - Future Master Planning
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Assessment of project viability and potential challenges
Special requirements
Estimated contract duration
6 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2025-26
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Fishermans Bend Precinct - Heavy Rail Planning
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Strategic and/or Technical advice on potential future heavy rail infrastructure
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
6 months
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q1 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
State Purchase Contract
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Fishermans Bend - Legal Services
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Legal services to support various planning scheme amendments
Special requirements
Legal Services Panel
Estimated contract duration
To be confirmed
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
To be advised
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
State Purchase Contract
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact
Procurement name
Fishermans Bend - Development Contributions
The opportunity including list and description of goods and services(with estimated quantities if known)
Infrastructure planning advice
Special requirements
May require membership of the Professional Advisory Services or Technical Advisory Services panel
Estimated contract duration
To be confirmed
Estimated invitation to supply release date (Financial Year)
Q3 2024-25
Market approach (ITS/RFQ/RFT/EOI/SPC, open/selective)
Request for Quote
International Agreement Covered procurement?Yes/No
Point of contact

Information for suppliers

Supplier Code of Conduct

The Victorian Government is committed to an ethical, sustainable and socially responsible procurement process.

The Supplier Code of Conduct(opens in a new window) describes the minimum expectations in the areas of:

  • integrity, ethics and conduct
  • conflict of interest, gifts, benefits and hospitality
  • corporate governance
  • labour and human rights
  • health and safety
  • and environmental management.

Guide for suppliers

Suppliers must ensure that they and their employees, workers, representatives, suppliers and subcontractors comply with the standards of conduct set out in the guide and in other contractual obligations to the department.

Becoming a supplier

If you are a supplier providing specialist services for transport infrastructure, you may need to register with the VicRoads prequalification scheme. Visit the VicRoads website to check if this applies to you(opens in a new window).

All other potential new suppliers can register their details with Zycus.

Maintaining supplier details

If you have registered on the ZSN Portal as a potential supplier but have not yet been awarded a contract or purchase order, it is important that you update your contact and company details on the ZSN Portal(opens in a new window).

Enter the email address you used when you first registered for the ZSN Portal, together with your current ZSN password.

If you are an established DTP supplier with a contract and/or purchase order, you can maintain your company, contact and banking information in the Oracle Portal.

Your registration in the ZSN Portal will be retained and automatically updated with any relevant changes you make in the Oracle Portal.

Social procurement

The Victorian Government is committed to social procurement.

The Social Procurement Framework(opens in a new window) enables departments and agencies to deliver greater benefits from their procurement spend.

The policy harnesses the government’s buying power to increase the value of goods, services and construction by delivering social and sustainable outcomes that benefit all Victorians.

Local jobs first

The Victorian Government is committed to putting local businesses and workers first.

The Local Jobs First Policy(opens in a new window) ensures government supports Victorian businesses and workers by mandating that small and medium-sized enterprises are given full and fair opportunity to compete for government contracts of all sizes and types.

It also mandates that a portion of the total hours worked on certain government construction projects must go to our future workforce. This helps to develop sustainable local industries, create new jobs, grow the economy and provide new opportunities for apprentices, trainees and cadets.

The policy applies to all projects valued at $1m or more delivered in regional Victoria and $3m or more for Melbourne-based or state-wide projects.

Complaints management framework

DTP places a high level of importance on the way it conducts procurement processes and how it interacts with the market.

If a person has an issue or concern about a procurement process, it is best to raise this first with the departmental team or staff.

If the issue or concern cannot be resolved, a written complaint can be lodged with the department’s Chief Procurement Officer within one month of the grounds for the complaint being known to the supplier:

Chief Procurement Officer
Department of Transport and Planning
PO Box 2392
Melbourne, Victoria 3001

For further information, refer to the DTP complaint management process below.

DTP Complaint Management Process

  • Download 'DTP Complaint Management Process'
