With a career change from finance to an electrical apprenticeship, his leap into the unknown paid off.
Jake accelerated through his apprenticeship, started his own business, and was recognised for his success and hard work when he was named 2019 Apprentice of the Year.
For Jake, winning the award is one of his 'proudest achievements'.
'It was recognition of 4 years of hard work and gave me the opportunity to thank my partner for her support during those years,' he said.
Jake's journey since winning the award
Since winning the Victorian Training Award, Jake has continued his vocational education to build on his skills and progress his career.
'In September 2021, I will complete a Diploma in Building and Construction (Site Management) and a Certificate in Work Health and Safety,' Jake said.
I plan to then enrol in a Diploma of Project Management and a Certificate in Training and Assessment.
Jake has also been awarded 2 training scholarships from Master Builders Victoria and Middy's Electrical, which will contribute towards continuing his learning journey.
Looking back on his experience, Jake explained that receiving a Victorian Training Award created some great opportunities.
After receiving the award, all winners were given invaluable training in presentation, media and techniques to help us share our story.
We then travelled to Brisbane to represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards where we attended a week of training sessions, workshops and heard from motivational speakers.
Jake has also been involved in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Alumni program with the National Careers Institute, to help promote apprenticeships. Through the program, Jake has contributed to video content and recorded podcasts with television presenter, Scott Cam.
In 2020 and 2021, Jake also supported the Victorian Training Awards as a judge and participated in panels to review and create plans for apprentices in Victoria.
Importance of the Victorian Training Awards
Jake is passionate about vocational education, explaining how it enables people to establish and grow their careers and ultimately, build better lives.
Reflecting on his journey, Jake said that it is important to recognise outstanding people and organisations in the sector through initiatives like the Victorian Training Awards.
'Teachers and organisations involved in helping students strive and succeed should be recognised and acknowledged for their hard work,' Jake said.
Individuals going through the VET journey, who face their own obstacles but continue to strive to be their best, should be highlighted, rewarded, and showcased to the industry to acknowledge their work.
When asked what he would say to someone thinking about nominating for the Victorian Training Awards, Jake said, 'take the leap and nominate.'
Be passionate and proud of what you have accomplished. Your journey is important, your achievements are yours and you should be proud of them.
Since receiving the award, Jake has progressed in his career, taking on more responsibility as a leading hand working towards becoming a project manager.
The experience I'm getting now in my position, along with the courses I'm undertaking, provide me with the scaffolding to continue to build my career and become a great asset to the company.