Funding options for TAFE and training courses
In Victoria, Free TAFE and Skills First funding are available to eligible students to help pay for Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses.
However, if you are not eligible, VET Student Loans are another option to consider – see details below.
VET Student Loans
Diploma level courses or above
If you are doing a Diploma level VET course or above, you may be eligible for a VET Student Loan (VSL) from the Australian Government. A VSL can cover all or part of your tuition fees.
If you get a VSL, you’ll have to pay it back when you start earning above a certain amount.
Your training provider will check your eligibility for the VSL, and ask you for documents to prove that you meet the eligibility criteria.
Find out more about VSLs:
- VSL student information page(opens in a new window)
- VSL booklet(opens in a new window)
- VSL eligibility and loan calculator tools(opens in a new window).
You can also search MySkills(opens in a new window) to find out which courses are VSL approved. Scroll down to filter on ‘VET student loans’ under ‘Features’ on the left.
If your Diploma level course is not eligible for a VSL, talk to your training provider about your financial options.
Certificate level courses
If you are doing a Certificate level VET course and you are not eligible for Free TAFE or Skills First, talk to your training provider about your financial options.
For more information
For general information about VET Student Loans, Free TAFE and Skills First, contact the TAFE and Training Line.
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