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Racist bullying

How to identify racist bullying, its impacts and ensure students from all backgrounds feel safe at school.

Our schools are committed to ensuring students from all backgrounds feel safe and connected at school and are able to achieve their best.

Racist bullying

Racist bullying occurs when someone is belittled, mocked, intimidated, vilified or shamed because of their:

  • physical appearance
  • ethnic background
  • religious or cultural practices
  • the way they talk or dress.

Racist bullying can range from casual but hurtful remarks, to deliberate physical and verbal attacks.

Racist bullying can include religious abuse and vilification. Unfortunately, racist bullying continues to occur in our school communities.

A 2014 Australian study found that over:

  • one third of students reported direct experiences of racism at school at least once a month
  • one fifth of students experienced at least one form of direct racism every day. The most common experience was being told they ‘didn’t belong in Australia’ by another student
  • two-thirds of students reported seeing another student being called names or being teased because of their cultural background.

Impacts of racist bullying

Racist bullying can impact the:

  • student experiencing racist bullying and their sense of belonging to the school community
  • students witnessing this form of bullying
  • parents and families of children who are experiencing racist bullying
  • wider school community and school culture.

At an individual level, racist bullying can have long-term negative effects on:

  • students’ physical and mental health
  • school attendance
  • educational attainment.

Preventing racist bullying

For all students to feel connected, protected and respected, schools need to build a culture that is:

  • inclusive
  • values diversity
  • does not tolerate racist bullying.

A whole school approach is considered best practice when addressing any form of bullying. This approach involves school staff, parents and students working together. It includes addressing school policies, culture and classroom practice.

A whole school approach can be achieved through:

  • engaged leadership
  • a shared and visible commitment by all members of the school community
  • recognising that bullying prevention needs ongoing effort
  • collaboration and engagement with the whole school community
  • adopting a multi-faceted approach rather than a standalone approach or a single strategy
  • implementing comprehensive and evidence-based strategies
  • professional development for staff to build their capacity to:
    • create an inclusive classroom environment
    • build the skills and knowledge to respond appropriately to racist bullying
  • school policy and practices that clearly name and address racist bullying
  • developing a specific anti-racism policy to support the school’s bullying prevention policy.

Department resources and supports

The following resources support schools to identify and prevent racist bullying and promote inclusion:

All schools are required to have a bullying prevention policy.

Building a positive school climate is a key element of the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes priority.

We offer a range of supports for Koorie students who may be experiencing racist bullying, including Koorie Education Support Officers.

Everyone in our school community deserves to be respected, valued and treated equally. We will not tolerate racism or religious discrimination in our school communities. For more information about how to report incidents to your school or the Report Racism hotline see Report racism or religious discrimination in schools.

Respectful Relationships supports schools and early childhood settings to promote and model respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. It teaches our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence.

School-wide positive behaviour support is a whole-school framework which provides school professionals with an approach to promote improved behaviour at their school. See: School-wide positive behaviour support.

External resources and supports


This page references:

  • Priest N, Perry R, Paradies Y, Ferdinand A and Kelaher M. (2014) Experiences of Racism, Racial/Ethnic Attitudes, Motivated Fairness and Mental Health Outcomes among Primary and Secondary School Students. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. In press
  • Vic Health (2014) – Racism and its links to young people’s health factsheet
  • Bullying. No Way What works?
