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Child protection resources for VET and higher education providers

Guidance for VET and higher education providers in Victoria to meet their obligations under the child safe standards.

The Child Safe Standards are changing. You have 12 months to transition to the new Child Safe Standards. Guidance and resources are being developed to support transition to the new Standards. For more information, visit the Commission for Children and Young People.

All organisations that provide services to children or provide facilities specifically for children that are supervised by the organisation must be compliant with the Standards. This covers post-school education and training providers, including TAFEs, RTOs and universities.

This content has been developed to support VET and higher education providers in Victoria to meet their obligations under the child safe standards.

Guidance for providers

This guidance provides background to the standards, a summary description of the standards, possible high-risk circumstances that providers may consider in developing their response to the standards, links to general resources and contacts for further information.

Four critical actions for responding to incidents, disclosures and suspicions of child abuse

The four critical actions flowchart is designed to assist providers in responding to incidents, disclosures and suspicions of child abuse. It will also assist providers to meet obligations under standard 5, which requires providers to have processes for responding to and reporting child abuse.

Further information and contact details

For further information:

For queries related to contract and operations for RTOs and TAFEs, lodge a query through the Skills Victoria Training System.

For general inquiries related to the resources or the standards please email:
