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VET reform roadmap

The Council of Australian Governments is working with the Skills Council to develop a VET reform roadmap.

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) is working with Skills Council to develop a vocational education and training (VET) reform roadmap (the Roadmap).

COAG agreed on a vision for VET in 2019, which positions the sector as responsive, dynamic and trusted. Skills Council has asked senior officials in all jurisdictions to work together to develop the Roadmap – for consideration by Ministers and endorsement by COAG by the middle of 2020.

Skills officials have developed a consultation draft of the Roadmap.

This draft is a working document of the Skills Senior Officials’ Network. It has not been reviewed or endorsed by governments or COAG.

Micro-credentials in the VET system

To support the development of the Roadmap, Skills Ministers agreed to fast-track four pieces of work.

The first piece of work explores using micro-credentials in the national VET system to respond better to student and job-need.

This work will deliver:

  • an agreed definition of micro-credentials in the VET sector
  • an operational framework for how micro-credentials work in the national VET system.

This will complement work being undertaken on the Australian Qualifications Framework following the Expert Review and in the higher education sector.

Give feedback on the discussion paper

The Discussion Paper on micro-credentials (DOCX, 34KB) is the first part of the fast-tracked work on micro-credentials.

You can give feedback on:

  • the definition of micro-credentials
  • what needs to change to support the operation of the definition in the VET sector.

To give feedback, email by Friday 3 April 2020.
