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Secondary: That's risky stuff

Posting any images of other people without their permission is not OK.

What’s the issue?

Computers are versatile and the apps and programs you can get do amazing things. In the past people used to say ‘the camera doesn’t lie’, but that is no longer the case with apps that can manipulate an image in seemingly endless ways. What you see is no longer necessarily a representation of the truth.

Why does it matter?

  • Our physical appearance is part of our self-image and most of us want to look the best we can
  • Posting any images of other people, whether they have been manipulated or not, without their permission is disrespectful, and not a ‘friendly’ thing to do
  • The images you post become instantly available to whoever can access your page
  • Material that has been shared on a private basis, between friends, should never appear in the public realm.


Think before you click

Before you post something be it a comment or an image, ask yourself if the people you love and respect would think that what you’re putting up is ok.

Be sensitive to the feelings of others

  • Ask yourself how you would feel if distorted images of you were being posted on social media sites
  • If you want your privacy respected, respect the privacy of others and don’t post embarrassing images.

Know the territory

All social media sites have codes of conduct, regulations or statements of rights and responsibilities. Make sure you know what the guidelines are for the sites you or your friends use, so that you can make good use of them when difficulties arise.

Printable advice sheets

To download a copy of this advice sheet, see:
